Due to the recent and increasing popularity of our beloved Cane Corso (pronounced Kah-Nay Corso), it is important that potential buyers are informed that not all breeders are created equally.
We have compiled some guidelines that we hope will assist you in finding a reputable breeder, as it is ultimately the responsibility of the buyer to ask questions and find out as much information as you possibly can about the Cane Corso as a breed, as well as about the breeder.
As a buyer, you should expect to develop a relationship with the breeder prior to the purchase of the puppy. Do not buy your Cane Corso from a pet store. The Cane Corso is a large, dominant breed that may not be for everyone. Don’t impulse buy! Please take the time to research, make phone calls, visit breeders, attend shows or working events and gather as much information about the breed as you can before purchasing a Cane Corso. This will help you make an informed decision about your breeder and it will help reduce the number of Corsos that wind up in animal shelters each year.
The process of finding a puppy and choosing a breeder can seem daunting at first but it is well worth it to have the perfect Cane Corso for your family. Remember, this is an interview process both for you and a breeder looking to place a puppy in a great home. Expect just as many questions from the breeder about you as you have for them.
How to Start
When searching for a reputable breeder, we do not suggest Craigslist unless searching for a rescue. Craigslist rules state it can be used to re-home pets for a SMALL adoption fee. No animal sales are permitted.
Internet searching for breeders in your area is also an option, but keep in mind that the closest breeder is not necessarily the best.
Even if you are just looking for a nice pet, local dog shows and some performance events are a great way to meet other breed fanciers and provide an opportunity to meet the dogs and people without too much travel. Infodog.com is an easy way to find local shows.
Here are some questions to consider in your search for a reputable breeder:
If you don’t have the time or energy for this commitment, please don’t purchase one! Remember that a cute, eight-week-old puppy will soon turn into a large, dominant dog.
Trust your instincts. Buy from somebody who you feel you can trust because you should maintain a relationship with your breeder. If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Move on.
We have compiled some guidelines that we hope will assist you in finding a reputable breeder, as it is ultimately the responsibility of the buyer to ask questions and find out as much information as you possibly can about the Cane Corso as a breed, as well as about the breeder.
As a buyer, you should expect to develop a relationship with the breeder prior to the purchase of the puppy. Do not buy your Cane Corso from a pet store. The Cane Corso is a large, dominant breed that may not be for everyone. Don’t impulse buy! Please take the time to research, make phone calls, visit breeders, attend shows or working events and gather as much information about the breed as you can before purchasing a Cane Corso. This will help you make an informed decision about your breeder and it will help reduce the number of Corsos that wind up in animal shelters each year.
The process of finding a puppy and choosing a breeder can seem daunting at first but it is well worth it to have the perfect Cane Corso for your family. Remember, this is an interview process both for you and a breeder looking to place a puppy in a great home. Expect just as many questions from the breeder about you as you have for them.
How to Start
When searching for a reputable breeder, we do not suggest Craigslist unless searching for a rescue. Craigslist rules state it can be used to re-home pets for a SMALL adoption fee. No animal sales are permitted.
Internet searching for breeders in your area is also an option, but keep in mind that the closest breeder is not necessarily the best.
Even if you are just looking for a nice pet, local dog shows and some performance events are a great way to meet other breed fanciers and provide an opportunity to meet the dogs and people without too much travel. Infodog.com is an easy way to find local shows.
Here are some questions to consider in your search for a reputable breeder:
- What type of activities does the breeder engage his/her dogs in? (conformation shows, obedience, therapy work, agility, IPO, lure coursing, hunting, dock diving, etc.)
- While showing and performance work may not be important to the average family seeking a pet, please keep in mind: a good breeder does SOMETHING with their dogs outside of just making more dogs.
- Most of the above activities have titles that can be earned; asking what titles their dogs have earned is a great and easy way to verify the breeder’s pursuits.
- Be cautious of taking someone’s word on their “personal protection trained” dogs.
- Just because a breeder’s dogs have “champion bloodlines” does not mean that their Corsos should be bred.
- Can the breeder intelligently articulate specifically what they are breeding for?
- “I just want to make nice, big, blue dogs” is typically not a sufficient answer.
- Does the breeder seem to have a genuine love for the breed?
- Is the breeder asking you questions about the home you would provide?
- Responsible breeders care deeply about where their puppies go, expect lots of questions.
- Is the breeder willing to answer your questions?
- Does the breeder know the standard that he/she is breeding to?
- Do his/her dogs/pups look and act like other Cane Corsos you have seen?
- Is he/she knowledgeable about the pedigrees of the dogs that he/she is breeding?
- Does the breeder openly discuss health problems that affect the Cane Corso?
- If the breeder tells you that there are no health problems within the breed or his/her lines, find another breeder!
- Does the breeder perform health testing?
- A simple “my vet said they were healthy” is not sufficient.
- The average practicing vet is usually not specialized enough to properly evaluate some of the more nuanced issues in the breed. OFA or PennHip results are preferred.
- If the results are not available or less than optimal, can the breeder articulate why he or she feels the dog is worth breeding in spite of this?
- Politely ask to see the actual certificates for yourself.
- To a conscientious breeder, it is in no way insulting to be asked politely for proof.
- Has the breeder done any other health testing outside of hips?
- Keep in mind heath testing is just a tool used by good breeders, it is not a tell all.
- Will the breeder answer your questions about temperament?
- Are the puppies temperament tested before placement?
- How are they tested?
- Does the breeder allow you to pick whichever puppy you want or do they assist in picking the puppy with the correct temperament for your family?
- Puppies change day to day, week to week. Picking the lazy puppy on one day because you want a “laid back” dog is misguided, that puppy might just be sleepy from being a complete terror the other 10 hours of the day.
- Find a breeder whose guidance on selection you can trust.
- Does he/she ask you about the experience you have had with dominant breeds?
- The Corso is not like a Golden or Labrador Retriever and isn’t suited for everyone.
- What is the breeder’s policy on companion quality puppies?
- Does the breeder require a companion quality puppy be spayed/neutered so they will not be bred?
- Does the breeder offer a written contract signed by both parties?
- Have you read it and do you agree to it? A contract should protect the dog, you and the breeder.
- Does the breeder offer support after you have taken the puppy home?
- Does he/she offer to help you with ideas on training and socialization?
- Are the breeder’s puppy purchase prices comparable to other breeders?
- Most well bred Cane Corso fall into a similar price range.
- Don’t buy from a pet store! Pet stores are stocked through puppy mills.
- A flashy website does not equal a good breeder.
- Be extremely wary of any breeder that offers a ‘buy it now’ option online.
- The breeder should not make accusations, bad mouth, or try to discredit other breeders to try to make themselves look better to the buyer.
- Try to visit the breeder, if at all possible.
- Do the dogs look healthy and well cared for?
- Is the kennel clean?
- If you cannot visit the kennel, is the breeder willing to video the puppy you are purchasing?
- Have you seen the mother of the litter?
- Having both parents on premises should not always be expected. A breeder should be breeding to a dog that complements his female, not necessarily just putting two dogs together that he/she happens to own.
- Did the breeder make pictures of the sire available to you?
- Can the breeder articulate WHY he or she bred those two specific dogs together?
- Is the breeder keeping a puppy out of the litter?
- If the breeder currently has puppies for sale:
- Have they been inoculated?
- De-wormed?
- Properly socialized?
- Tails docked?
- Rear dewclaws removed?
- If the puppies are old enough, spend some time with them.
- Are they confident or fearful?
- Are they having normal bowel movements or diarrhea?
- Do they appear healthy?
- What is the breeder's suggestions on ear cropping?
- Do they offer ear cropping if the buyer wants a cropped puppy?
- At what age is the breeder willing to let the puppies go home?
- Eight weeks should be the youngest and is required by law in many states.
- How many puppies in the litter are companion-quality versus show-quality?
- If the breeder states that they are all show quality, seriously question that!
- Does the breeder seem to know why he/she is classifying some as companion and some as show?
- Can he/she point out the differences to you on the puppies and explain how it relates to the breed standard?
- Be suspicious of prices differing solely "for full breeding rights".
- Most often, reputable breeders will sell "breeding" males or females on a co-own contract or only after an extensive relationship has been formed.
- Be suspicious of breeders advertising “rare” colors such as “straw, chocolate, isabella, black and tan etc…). Though these colors can occur accidentally at times, a breeder focusing on creating “rare” and unique colors often is not focusing on the more important aspects of breeding, such as temperament.
- Be suspicious if the breeder is intentionally breeding his/her Cane Corsos with other breeds to create ‘hybrids’ or ‘bandogs’.
If you don’t have the time or energy for this commitment, please don’t purchase one! Remember that a cute, eight-week-old puppy will soon turn into a large, dominant dog.
Trust your instincts. Buy from somebody who you feel you can trust because you should maintain a relationship with your breeder. If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Move on.