2023 CCAA GRAND CHAMPIONS (Listed Alphabetically):
Congratulations to the aforementioned on becoming the CCAA’s newest club Grand Champions! The title of CCAA Grand Champion is awarded to any dog or bitch owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year in which the title is earned, that has achieved his/her AKC Championship and a total of 85 points. 15 points are given for the CH title and the remaining 70 points must be earned by BOB and/or BOS wins where each dog defeated earns one point. Of the aforementioned 70 points, 2 wins must be 5 point majors won for BOB and/or BOS at a CCAA National or Regional Specialty. The 2 wins may occur in different years. DOG'S TITLE
DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH Bravado's Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli D Champion CH Campo's Compact Pussycat Penelope Pitstop B Champion CH Cascade Ridges Cruel Intentions At Rivalry FDC CGCA TKN D Champion CH Casios Beautiful Dark Disaster CGC VHMA VHMP B Champion CH Chato's Emporio Elara B Champion CH Diamond Cut Midknight, Pahoa O Kekai CGCA CGCU D Champion CH Dreamer Legion Of Corso D Champion CH Dun Roman's Aaprina Art Of War B Champion CH Mar E Sol's Soberano D Champion CH Mr. Casanova D Champion CH Mr. Crowley D Champion CH Prestigio My Delectable Darlooney Of Bessettes B Champion CH Silverstone's Silver Is The New Gold FITS D Grand Champion GCH CH Adt Imperial Flower BN RI FDC SCN SEN CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA VHMP FITG B Grand Champion GCH CH Ck's Magnanimous Blue Moon CGC TKN D Grand Champion GCH CH El Mesquital Rafa D Grand Champion GCH CH Ironhide's She's a Bad Mama Jama B Grand Champion GCH CH Knights Of Valor's Huntress Of The Red Dawn B Grand Champion GCH CH Nuovo Inizi's Obscured By Clouds B Grand Champion GCH CH Odisseia's Keeper Of The Realm 4ohanalaki Bydifesa CGC B Grand Champion GCH CH Poison Custodi Nos B Grand Champion GCH CH Smokehouse's Bjorn I Am Gonna Get Ya Roquefort D Grand Champion GCH CH Star Karuna Great Helios CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA D Grand Champion GCH CH Topbrass' A Scarlet Letter B Grand Champion GCH CH Twin Cities Marlin D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Drama En Una Palabra B Grand Champion Silver GCHS CH Res Ipsa's Black Mamba D Graduate Novice Amici Calamittee Cane CD BN GN RE FDC SCN SIN RATN CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA VHMP FITG B Rally Novice GCH CH Dragonheart Necessary Evil RN DJ CGCA TKN ATT D Rally Novice Fafo Sarge RN D Rally Intermediate GCH CH Solo Uno's Ursula RI FDC CGCA TKN ATT FITB B Rally Excellent GCHB CH Force Pride Rosie CD PCD BN RE FDC BCAT TT CGCA TKN FITS B Rally Excellent GCHS CH La Lupa Potrero Himinglaefa Thorir Adama RE FDC CGC TKA FITB B Rally Excellent CH Phoghaven's Thundyr From The Heavens RE FDC CA BCAT ACT1 SWN RATN CGCA CGCU TKA ATT B Open Agility Preferred Legion's Goddess Of War RN FDC OAP OJP SCN SIN CGC B BCAT Roma Dal Kostana FDC BCAT CGC D Agility Course Test 2 CH Phoghaven's Thundyr From The Heavens RE FDC CA BCAT ACT2 SWN RATN CGCA CGCU TKA ATT B FCAT4 Alessia RN CA FCAT4 RATO CGC TKI FITS B Canine Good Citizen 951cczara CGC B Canine Good Citizen Casanova's Remembrance CGC B Canine Good Citizen Casanova's Rosie The Riveter CGC B Canine Good Citizen Cielo Blu's Chauncey CGC D Canine Good Citizen Fidecore Combat Weapon Wilhelm CGC D Canine Good Citizen Granite CGC D Canine Good Citizen Grizzly Diesel Dominguez CGC D Canine Good Citizen Havoc G Di Colts Guardiano CGC D Canine Good Citizen Maximo's Going Nuclear CGC TKN VHMA D Canine Good Citizen Mustang Sally CGC TKN B Canine Good Citizen Royal Guardian's Ace B Jordan CGC D Canine Good Citizen Sabal Palm's Aint No Rest For The Wicked CGC B Canine Good Citizen Sabal Palm's Black Betty CGC B Canine Good Citizen Sabal Palm's Mr. Boombastic CGC D Canine Good Citizen The Veterans Angel" CGC" B Canine Good Citizen Trump Bronson Hammon CGC D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Dragonheart's Dirty Little Secret CGCA CGCU TKA VHMA VHMP B Canine Good Citizen Urban Sawtooth's Elena Luna Gomez CGCU B Trick Dog Novice Maximo's Going Nuclear CGC TKN VHMA D Trick Dog Novice Mustang Sally CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Sabal Palm's Aint No Rest For The Wicked CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Sabal Palm's Black Betty CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Sabal Palm's Mr. Boombastic CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Safe Haven's Most Desirable CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Silverstone N Sarama's Nothing Else Matters CGC TKN VHMP B Trick Dog Novice Windypine's Light Of The Night TKN B Trick Dog Intermediate GCH CH Windypine's Horton Hears A Win BN RI SIN CGC TKI ATT D Trick Dog Advanced Dragonheart's Dirty Little Secret CGCU TKA VHMA VHMP B Trick Dog Performer Vernon Hills Bless This Hot Mess CGC TKP VHMA B AKC Temperament Test Alessia RN CA FCAT4 RATO CGC TKI ATT FITS B AKC Temperament Test Overwatch's Heart Makes Whole CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA VHMP D AKC Temperament Test Phantom-Nix Shiloh FDC BCAT CGC ATT B Virtual Home Manners Puppy Costa Bel Green Eggs And Yam VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Adult Costa Bel Green Eggs And Yam VHMA VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Adult GCHB CH Costa Bel Haniel BN RA FDC ACT1 RATN CGCA CGCU TKE VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult Costa Bel Sky Full Of Stars VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult CH Fireside And Costa Bel Off With Their Heads VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult Lionheart Frozen In Time At Costa Bel VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult Lockhart's Willow The Wisp VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult Maximo's Going Nuclear CGC TKN VHMA D Virtual Home Manners Adult Redemptions Take Me To The Top RATN CGC TKA VHMA VHMP B FIT Dog Bronze A Freya Mattea Of Love VHMP FITB B FIT Dog Bronze CH Garmr's Allfather And His Tricks Of Disguise FITB D FIT Dog Silver Carolina Dreams Benelli Truth Will Set You Free BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA VHMA FITS B FIT Dog Silver GCHB CH Force Pride Rosie CD PCD BN RA FDC BCAT TT CGCA TKN FITS B FIT Dog Silver Safe Haven's Going Hard In The Paint At Serafina TKN VHMA VSWB FITS D FIT Dog Silver Silverstone's Silver Is The New Gold FITS D FIT Dog Silver GCH CH Solo Uno's Little Ariel BN RE FDC BCAT CGCA TKI ATT FITS B Novice Barn Hunt Emerald Crown's Fresh Start FDC CA BCAT RATN D Novice Barn Hunt Redemptions Take Me To The Top RATN CGC TKA VHMP B 2023 CCAA Veteran Cane Corso of the Year – GCHS CH La Lupa Potrero Himinglaefa Thorir Adama FDC TKN FITB TT RATI
Congratulations to GCHS CH La Lupa Potrero Himinglaefa Thorir Adama FDC TKN FITB TT RATI for being our CCAA Veteran Cane Corso of the Year. CCAA Veteran Cane Corso of the Year is awarded to any dog or bitch owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year, who has achieved the most points in the pertaining calendar year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31). Points* are earned 1 per dog defeated from the Veteran class(es) therefore the veteran animal with the most defeats among other veteran class entries for the pertaining year, irrespective of the result from the subsequent breed class result(s), will be awarded, updated 02/22/2023. 2023 CCAA Owner-Handled Cane Corso of the Year – GCHB CH Rockhaven's Won'T Miss A Thing CGCA TKN
Congratulations to GCHB CH Rockhaven's Won'T Miss A Thing CGCA TKN, owned and handled by Neesha Elkin, who accumulated 420 National Owner-Handled Series points during 2023. CCAA Owner-Handled Cane Corso of the Year is awarded to any dog or bitch owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year, who has achieved the most points in the pertaining series year. Points are tracked in accordance with the The National Owner-Handled Series Rankings, as defined by the AKC and reported by The Canine Chronicle. 2023 CCAA Puppy of the Year – GCHS CH Mt View Wintery Skies
Congratulations to GCHS CH Mt View Wintery Skies who accumulated 352 points during 2023, 300 from Best of Breed wins and 52 from Best of Opposite wins. CCAA Puppy of the Year is awarded to any dog or bitch owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year, who has achieved the most points in the pertaining calendar year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) and is still under the age of 2 years on or by Dec. 31 of the aforementioned year. Points are earned 1 per dog defeated in BOB wins and/or BOS wins. To be considered for Puppy of the Year, the membership of at least one owner needs to be in good standing with no lapse from the year prior to the pertaining year. 2023 CCAA Bitch of the Year – GCHG CH Riverbluff's Family Tradition
Congratulations to GCHG CH Riverbluff's Family Tradition who accumulated 795 points during 2023, 545 from Best of Breed wins and 250 from Best of Opposite wins. CCAA Bitch of the Year is awarded to any female dog owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year, who has achieved the most points in the pertaining calendar year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31). Points are earned 1 per dog defeated in BOB wins and/or BOS wins. To be considered for Bitch of the Year, the membership of at least one owner needs to be in good standing with no lapse from the year prior to the pertaining year. 2023 CCAA Dog of the Year – GCHP CH Adibeir Red Carpet Affair CGC
Congratulations to GCHP CH Adibeir Red Carpet Affair CGC who accumulated 928 points during 2023, 910 from Best of Breed wins and 18 from Best of Opposite wins. CCAA Dog of the Year is awarded to any male dog owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year, who has achieved the most points in the pertaining calendar year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31). Points are earned 1 per dog defeated in BOB wins and/or BOS wins. To be considered for Dog of the Year, the membership of at least one owner needs to be in good standing with no lapse from the year prior to the pertaining year. To view in PDF, click on the file: ![]()
To view in PDF, click on the file: ![]()
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Congratulations to CH ADT Imperial Flower BN RI FDC SCN SEN CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA VHMP FITG aka *QUEENEE* for winning the 2023 CCAA Member’s Choice Award! Thank you to all the members who took the time to vote for this award! This was a tight race among 3 very deserving candidates! Queenee will be presented with her plaque at the Awards Banquet at our 2024 National Specialty! Congratulations to Selena Stubbs for Queenee’s achievements! Below is Queenee’s impressive bio:
“Where do I begin with Queenee? To know Queenee, is to love her. There is never a dull moment with her. She’s the puppy I didn’t even know I needed. I certainly wasn’t in the market for a puppy when one of my best friends asked if I wanted her. She’s the puppy I adamantly told everyone wasn’t MY puppy. Boy did she have other plans for me! She joined our family and instantly embodied the “little sister” role. Constantly pestering Mittee and Sarge, stealing toys, demanding cuddles. Her name isn’t Queenee Rotten Rotten Flower for nothing. Queenee has pushed me to be a better handler and teammate. Keeping training flustering all while laughing. Queenee really excelled in the conformation ring starting at an early age, but has branched out to sports like rally, obedience, scentwork and barnhunt. (She’s very much so loved at Barnhunt as she uses her ring time to entertain others.) Queenee is my first AKC Champion. Queenee has really changed our communities’ views on Cane Corso. She’s shown them just how awesome the Cane Corso temperament can be. Whether she be out around town, at a show, or doing meet the breed, she’s gained several loyal fans. Queenee has even managed to win the heart of our local juniors guru, Jody Davidson. Jody has even requested to use Queenee as a fill in for an out of state junior to practice with. She told my daughter, Kinsley “if you still want to show a Corso when you’re 15, we will work on that.” Well, 15 turned into 9. Kinsley is one very determined spitfire, and she was going to make Queenee her juniors dog. Thanksgiving weekend Kinsley’s wish came true, with Jody giving her blessing to show the Corso in the Open Juniors ring. Nerve-wracking for me, but a dream come true for Kinsley. Queenee showed up and showed out, earning a 2nd place out of 8! I have officially lost the puppy I told everyone wasn’t mine. To see a Cane Corso in a juniors class, with a young girl is absolutely heart melting and a testament to just how amazing Queenee is. I am beyond blessed to have such amazing dogs in my home and wouldn’t trade Queenee for the world! Look for Queenee and her kid this year in the juniors ring and scentwork trials. ❤ – Selena Stubbs” CCAA Supported Entry, Sunday, February 4, 2024
Indianapolis, Indiana CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS & EXHIBITORS ALIKE! *** Judge Ms. Kim LeBlanc *** Best of Breed – GCHP CH Adibeir Red Carpet Affair CGC Best of Opposite – GCH CH Poison Custodi Nos Best of Winners – Scandifio's Beautiful Black Bella Winners Dog – Peachstate's Cherry On Top With Nuovo Inizi Winners Bitch – Scandifio's Beautiful Black Bella Select Dog – GCHS CH Giangreco's Black Kaiser Select Bitch – GCH CH Rockhaven's Cease And Desist BN RN CA CGCA Reserve Winners Dog – Regal Sherman Tank Of Glory Reserve Winners Bitch – Rockhaven's Twice As Much CGC Best Veteran Bitch – GCH CH Rockhaven's Cease And Desist BN RN CA CGCA Best Owner Handled – GCHS CH Big Country's The World's Most Dangerous Man *** CCAA Midwest Regional Specialty, Saturday, February 3, 2024
Indianapolis, Indiana CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS & EXHIBITORS ALIKE! *** Judge Ms. Victoria M. Jordan *** Best of Breed – GCHP CH Adibeir Red Carpet Affair CGC Best of Opposite – CH Nuovo Inizi's Obscured By Clouds Best of Winners – Rockhaven's Party Animal Winners Dog – Rockhaven's Party Animal Winners Bitch – Scandifio's Beautiful Black Bella Select Dog – GCHS CH Giangreco's Black Kaiser Select Bitch – GCH CH Limelight's Daddy's Little Shadow CGC TKN Awards of Merit – Silverstone's Silver Is The New Gold GCH CH Poison Custodi Nos Reserve Winners Dog – Peachstate's Cherry On Top With Nuovo Inizi Reserve Winners Bitch – Rockhaven's Twice As Much CGC Best Veteran Bitch – GCH CH Rockhaven's Cease And Desist BN RN CA CGCA Best Owner Handled – GCHS CH Big Country's The World's Most Dangerous Man Best Bred-By – Rockhaven's Party Animal Best Puppy – Rockhaven's Never Ceases To Amaze *** Judge Ms. Charina DeFur *** Best in Puppy Sweepstakes – CH Altiere's No More Mr. Nice Guy Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweepstakes – Rockhaven's Never Ceases To Amaze *** |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025