DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH Adibeir Epic Maiden Voyage CGC TKN B Champion CH Bohemia Stormy CGC B Champion CH Fidecore Venom Olympia B Champion CH Invictus Porolissum Cane Corso D Champion CH Limelight's The Next Episode At Sno-Storm D Champion CH Notoriousx Porta Fuori La Benelli CGC B Champion CH Rockhaven's You'Ve Got A Friend In Me D Champion CH Smokehouse's Kisses Sweeter Than Wine At Damarhoff D Champion CH Szuggar Cane Corso's Kaiyah B Champion CH Valente's The Son Of Bubba Gump D Champion CH Virtue's Turn It Up D Champion CH Worldwide's M- Lazy River B Grand Champion GCH CH Big Country's Spoonful Of Sugar B Grand Champion GCH CH Fantom Corso Boss D Grand Champion GCH CH Fedele's Royal Peach CGC B Grand Champion GCH CH Mt View Wintery Skies D Grand Champion GCH CH Mystic Mtn Adele Mirrabella Azzura B Grand Champion GCH CH Reina Ii X-Man Barcelona B Grand Champion GCH CH Rockhaven's Won'T Miss A Thing CGCA TKN B Grand Champion GCH CH Rocki Sangue Magnifica D Grand Champion GCH CH Whiskey Diamond Show D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Campo's Mystic Guardian Athena B Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Costa Bel Haniel BN RA FDC ACT1 RATN CGCA CGCU TKE B Rally Novice Cani Diavolo's Susitna's Alessa RN CGCA TKN B Rally Novice Ivy League Luck Of The Draw RN BCAT CGC TKN B Rally Intermediate Ivy League Luck Of The Draw RI BCAT CGC TKN B Rally Advanced Casanova's Bombs Away RA BCAT CGCA TKI B Rally Advanced Windypine's Princess Of Helium BN RA DCAT ACT1 B Rally Excellent Garmon's Jean Grey Phoenix BN RE B Novice Agility Preferred Legion's She Was A Showgirl RN NAP NJP B BCAT GCH CH Solo Uno's Little Ariel BN RA FDC BCAT CGCA TKI ATT B BCAT CH Top Guard's Koffi In The Morning BCAT CGC TKN B Agility Course Test 1 CH Windypine's Wild Coast Zambezi CD BN RAE CA ACT1 TT CGC B Canine Good Citizen Bane Son Of Saint CGC D Canine Good Citizen Banner Mtn's Nk Moose The Matriarch CGC B Canine Good Citizen Castleguard The Highly Spirited Tyson CGC D Canine Good Citizen Dal Cielo's Unchained CGC D Canine Good Citizen Diamond Cut Ali'I Nui Viela CGC D Canine Good Citizen Fireside's Il Ragazzo Luca CGCU D Canine Good Citizen Gemma Of My Eye CGC B Canine Good Citizen Gypsy Soul's Chevalier Noir CGC D Canine Good Citizen K9 Guardian's Terri's Guns CGC D Canine Good Citizen La Potenza's Di Rising C's Montana CGC D Canine Good Citizen Mnc's Crowley CGC D Canine Good Citizen Paradiso Stormin Norman CGC D Canine Good Citizen Scandifios,You'Re Killing Me, Smalls CGC D Canine Good Citizen Silverstone N Sarama's Turn The Page CGC B Canine Good Citizen Solo Uno's Ursula FDC CGC TKN B Canine Good Citizen Vernon Hills Majestic Miracle Lily CGC B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Adt I Got Your Six CGCA CGCU TKN B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Banner Mtn's Nk Moose The Matriarch CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Bognar's Eazy-Duz-It BCAT CGCA TKN FITB D Advanced Canine Good Citizen GCHB CH Garmr's Sweetheart Of The Month FDC CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA B Canine Good Citizen Urban Adt I Got Your Six CGCA CGCU TKN B Canine Good Citizen Urban Armonno's Hank CGCU D Canine Good Citizen Urban Fireside's Il Ragazzo Luca CGCU D Canine Good Citizen Urban GCHB CH Garmr's Sweetheart Of The Month FDC CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA B Trick Dog Novice Cani Diavolo's And Shanganah's Aphrodite RN CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice Grande's Trouble TKN B Trick Dog Novice GCHS CH Integrity's Deadly Weapon At Haven Hill TKN D Trick Dog Novice Paradiso Stormin Norman CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Red Mountain When In Rome CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Vernon Hills Bless This Hot Mess TKN B Trick Dog Intermediate Alpha & Omega's Vantablack At Rivalry TKI B Trick Dog Advanced Black Puma CGC TKA B Trick Dog Performer Amici Calamittee Cane BN RI FDC CGCA TKP ATT VHMA VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Puppy Overwatch's Heart Makes Whole VHMA VHMP D Virtual Home Manners Puppy Redemptions Take Me To The Top VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Adult Adt Imperial Flower RN CGC TKI VHMA VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Adult Overwatch's Heart Makes Whole VHMA VHMP D 2022 CCAA CONFORMATION BREEDER OF THE YEAR – SHAWNE IMLER, OBLIVION CANE CORSO Congratulations to Shawne Imler of Oblivion Cane Corso, with 2,264 points, for being the 2022 CCAA Conformation Breeder of the Year! Below is the breakdown of the 2,264 points: The following breeders are also recognized by the CCAA for their conformation accomplishments during 2022:
2022 CCAA REPRODUCTIVE CHAMPIONS – DOGS (Listed Alphabetically):
None in 2022 2022 CCAA REPRODUCTIVE CHAMPIONS – BITCHES (Listed Alphabetically): CH Adibeir Clear Blue Sky CGC GCH CH Aquila Dorata Sassy Girl Casey Jones CGCA CH Dal Cielo's Aria Di Mezzanotte GCHG CH Legion's Ashirah CD BN RN TT The 2022 CCAA Reproductive Champions we are honoring are responsible for producing the champion progeny listed below his or her respective names. Champion progeny are listed with no prefixes or suffixes in the order in which the champion titles were earned. CH Adibeir Clear Blue Sky CGC Adibeir Steel Rails Adibeir Valhalla A Good Farewell Valhalla Rising Sun Adibeir No Mountain Too High GCH CH Aquila Dorata Sassy Girl Big Country's The World's Most Dangerous Man Big Country's Bantamweight Takedown Big Country's The Brahma Bull Big Country's Bad Reputation Casey Jones CGCA Giangreco's Black Kaiser Giangreco's Crazy Diamond Giangreco's Omie Don'T Play Giangreco's Black Betty CH Dal Cielo's Aria Di Mezzanotte Dal Cielo's Double Trouble (Stevie Ray) Dal Cielo's Waiting for Darkness (Luna) Dal Cielo's Never Settle At Got Your Six Dal Cielo's Holy Diver (Dio) Dal Cielo's Salvuccio GCHG CH Legion's Ashirah CD BN RN TT Legion's I Did It My Way Legion's Headlining At The Sands Legion's Happy Birthday Mr President Legion's Struttin' The Strip In Gucci The impressive CCAA Reproductive Champion title is awarded to: Any male dog owned by a CCAA member in good standing that has produced 6 AKC Champions of record. Member/Applicants are responsible for submitting their dog and his offspring, verification is done through AKC title report. Applicant must be an AKC owner of record AND a CCAA member in good standing during the time:
These requirements also apply in the case of lease arrangements. Or Any female dog owned by a CCAA member in good standing that has produced 4 AKC Champions of record. Member/Applicants are responsible for submitting their bitch and her offspring, verification is done through AKC title report. Applicant must be an AKC owner of record AND a CCAA member in good standing during the time:
These requirements also apply in the case of lease arrangements. 2022 CCAA GRAND CHAMPIONS (Listed Alphabetically):
Congratulations to the above-listed dogs and bitches on becoming the CCAA’s newest club Grand Champions! The title of CCAA Grand Champion is awarded to any dog or bitch owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year in which the title is earned, that has achieved his/her AKC Championship and a total of 85 points. 15 points are given for the CH title and the remaining 70 points must be earned by BOB and/or BOS wins where each dog defeated earns one point. Of the aforementioned 70 points, 2 wins must be 5 point majors won for BOB and/or BOS at a CCAA National or Regional Specialty. The 2 wins may occur in different years. |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025