Dear CCAA member:
In response to member inquiries, the Officers and Directors of the CCAA would like to provide clarification regarding the Victory Lane Classic Cluster in Concord, North Carolina, being held from June 3rd to June 6th, 2021. As done in 2018 and 2019, the Cane Corso Club of the Carolinas (CCCC) Specialty(ies) and Sweepstakes during that cluster will be listed as a CCAA event by MB-F and the AKC. The AKC allows a developing specialty club to use a parent club’s license to hold an event, which is the case here, but CCCC wins will not count toward CCAA awards and the event(s) is not considered one of the CCAA’s Regional Specialties. Although it must be listed by the name of the licensed club, every aspect of the CCCC Specialty(ies) and Sweepstakes is being provided by the Cane Corso Club of the Carolinas. Thank you and we wish all exhibitors a wonderful event! CCAA Officers and Directors DOG'S TITLE
DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH About Time's This Girl Is On Fire CGC B Champion CH Armonno's Queen Of Hearts B Champion CH Athena Born To Win De Baumann-Scandifios B Champion CH Capri Bold City Vendetta D Champion CH Castleguard's Lust For Life D Champion CH Epic Mishka Of Adibeir B Champion CH Fireside's Now Unleash The Tempest B Champion CH Motorheads Serenading The Moon D Champion CH Palazzo's Out Of The Darkness Amara B Champion CH Sem Corso Bih D Farm Dog Certified GCH CH Corso Boss Amadeus FDC CGCA CGCU TKN D BCAT CH Mar E Sol's Vania BCAT TT B Canine Good Citizen Raeya Denico Samurai CGC B Canine Good Citizen Red Rock Canyon's Maestoso Drago CGC D Canine Good Citizen Rochi Denico Samurai CGC B Canine Good Citizen Sak's Big Trouble From Little China" CGC" B Canine Good Citizen Toro's Ciuccio Natale CGC B Canine Good Citizen Violet Roxy CGC B Canine Good Citizen Wasatch Mtn's Cassiel The Spirited CGC D Canine Good Citizen Urban 5 Star Phoenix Midevil's Princess BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN B Trick Dog Novice Alcor's Mr. Incredible CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Cani Diavolo's Pick Your Poison Boudica Di Lavaro CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice CH Queen City's Roma' CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Raeya Denico Samurai CGC TKN VHMP B Trick Dog Novice Rochi Denico Samurai CGC TKN VHMP B Trick Dog Novice Rockhaven's Demetria Devonne CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Rockhaven's Out Of The Wilderness TKN D Trick Dog Novice CH Rockhaven's Solomon's Choice CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Stoneheart's I Aim To Misbehave RN BCAT DJ CGCA TKN ATT B Trick Dog Intermediate Raeya Denico Samurai CGC TKI VHMP B Trick Dog Intermediate Rochi Denico Samurai CGC TKI VHMP B Trick Dog Intermediate Rockhaven's Demetria Devonne CGC TKI B Trick Dog Intermediate Rockhaven's Out Of The Wilderness TKI D Trick Dog Intermediate Rockhaven's Party Never Ceases CGC TKI B Trick Dog Intermediate CH Rockhaven's Solomon's Choice CGC TKI D AKC Temperament Test CH Black Pearl Illusion Of Orion RA CA DCAT ACT1 CGCA CGCU TKI ATT D AKC Temperament Test Stoneheart's I Aim To Misbehave RN BCAT DJ CGCA ATT B AKC Temperament Test Virtue's Blu Ain'T Your Color FDC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT D Virtual Home Manners Puppy Raeya Denico Samurai CGC TKN VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Puppy Rochi Denico Samurai CGC TKN VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Adult Adibeir's Swinging For The Fences TKN VHMA D Virtual Home Manners Adult CH Biaggios Targus Soldato First In Last Out FDC CGCA CGCU TKA VHMA D Virtual Home Manners Adult Lonestars Light Fury TKN VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult Rockhaven's Demetria Devonne CGC TKI VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult Rockhaven's Out Of The Wilderness TKI VHMA D Virtual Home Manners Adult Rockhaven's Party Never Ceases CGC TKI VHMA B Virtual Home Manners Adult CH Rockhaven's Solomon's Choice CGC TKI VHMA D Dock Senior Excellent GCH CH Liberty's Diamond In The Ruff DM DSX ASA CGCA CGCU TKN B Dock Senior Excellent 3 Retro Roche Jasim RN DSX3 AS AJA CGCA TKN B Dock Master Retro Roche Jasim RN DM DSX3 ASA AJA HDS CGCA TKN B Dock Master Excellent GCH CH Liberty's Diamond In The Ruff DMX DSX AM ASX DDG DDBE CGCA CGCU TKN B Air Retrieve Senior Advanced Retro Roche Jasim RN DSX3 ASA AJA CGCA TKN B Air Retrieve Master GCH CH Liberty's Diamond In The Ruff DM DSX AM ASA CGCA CGCU TKN B Disc Dog Bronze Retro Roche Jasim RN DM DSX3 ASA AJA HDS DDB CGCA TKN B HydroDash Senior GCH CH Liberty's Diamond In The Ruff DMX DSX AM ASX HDS DDG DDBE CGCA CGCU TKN B HydroDash Senior Retro Roche Jasim RN DSX3 ASA AJA HDS CGCA TKN B CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who made the Cane Corso community proud by working their dogs in 2020. Even bigger congratulations to those who went on to achieve titles in 2020. Thank you for submitting your points. To learn how to qualify and be considered for Lifetime and Annual CCAA Performance + Working Titles & Awards, please refer to the current CCAA Performance + Working Title Descriptions & Point Schedules.
CCAA Performance + Working Titles & Awards for 2020 are as follows: 2020 CCAA Performance Breeder of the Year Yvonne Aleman of Costa Bel Cane Corso, as announced in a separate post: Qualified Runners Up for Performance Breeder of the Year:
2020 Working Breeder of the Year Sharon Sintra + Jamie Ryan of Ivy League Kennel, as announced in a separate post: 2020 CCAA Performance Cane Corso of the Year GCH CH Costa Bel Haniel BN RI FDC ACT1 RATN CGCA CGCU TKE RATI TT HIT, as announced in a separate post: Qualified Runners Up for Performance Cane Corso of the Year:
2020 Working Cane Corso of the Year Ivy League Vendetta CD RAE CGC TKA BH FO PA OB1, as announced in a separate post: Qualified Runners Up for Working Cane Corso of the Year:
2020 CCAA Register of Merit (ROM): Black Pearl Chai Black Pearl Illusion of Orion Brock's Mystical Heaven Dei Phoghaven Costa Bel Flattery Walnut Get You Anywhere Costa Bel Haniel Cypress Arrow Prestigious Brodix Hierarchy Presides Over the Death of Kings Cassiel Phoghaven's Sunshyne Through The Myst Potrero's You'll Never Dream Alone Spiritridge's A Southern Belle Lawd Have Mercy SXM Irma Fa Terra A Costa Bel 2020 CCAA Working Dog ALPHA: Black Pearl Espresso Black Pearl Illusion of Orion Brock's Mystical Heaven Dei Phoghaven Costa Bel Flattery Walnut Get You Anywhere Costa Bel Haniel Cypress Arrow Prestigious Brodix Hierarchy's Ali'i Nui Phoghaven's Sunshyne Through The Myst SXM Irma Fa Terra A Costa Bel 2020 Working Dog Novice (WDN): Black Pearl Espresso Black Pearl Illusion of Orion Black Pearl Java Brock's Mystical Heaven Dei Phoghaven Costa Bel Flattery Walnut Get You Anywhere Costa Bel Haniel Crusade's Wild Thing Cypress Arrow Prestigious Brodix Hierarchy's Ali'i Nui Ivy League Lyudmilda Pavlichenko Ivy League Vendetta Legion's Keeper of the Peace Phoghaven's Bear of Love Phoghaven's Sunshyne Through The Myst SXM Irma Fa Terra A Costa Bel 2020 Working Dog Advanced (WDA): Costa Bel Haniel Cypress Arrow Prestigious Brodix Ivy League Sniper Gerassi Corso Ivy League Vendetta SXM Irma Fa Terra A Costa Bel 2020 CCAA WORKING BREEDER OF THE YEAR – SHARON SINTRA + JAMIE RYAN, IVY LEAGUE KENNEL
Congratulations to Sharon Sintra and Jamie Ryan of Ivy League Kennel, who accumulated a total of 760 Working Points during 2020, of which 760 were Sport Points, as detailed below. To be considered for CCAA Working Breeder of the Year, the following rules apply: The breeder of record of any dog or dogs accruing the most total points will be awarded the title "CCAA Working Breeder of the Year". In order to be considered, there must be a minimum of 400 points, ALL of which must be earned out of the category “Sport” as per the current CCAA Wokring Points Schedule during the calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). This threshold is subject to board re-evaluation once points submission deadline is met. The breeder must be a CCAA member in good standing at the time of competition. There is a one hundred (100) sport point bonus for the “Working Cane Corso of the Year”. This award was retired effective January 1, 2021; members may refer to BOD meeting minutes from February 2021. 2020 Performance Cane Corso of the Year, Working Cane Corso of the Year, Performance Breeder of the Year and 2020 Perennial CCAA Working + Performance Titles will be announced in separate posts. 2020 CCAA PERFORMANCE BREEDER OF THE YEAR – YVONNE ALEMAN, COSTA BEL CANE CORSO
Congratulations to Yvonne Aleman of Costa Bel Cane Corso, who accumulated a total of 1,900 Performance Points during 2020, of which 1,305 were Sport Points, as detailed below. To be considered for CCAA Performance Breeder of the Year, the following rules apply: The breeder of record of any dog or dogs accruing the most total points will be awarded the title "CCAA Performance Breeder of the Year". In order to be considered, there must be a minimum of 400 points, ALL of which must be earned out of the category “Sport” as per the current CCAA Performance Points Schedule during the calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). This threshold is subject to board re-evaluation once points submission deadline is met. The breeder must be a CCAA member in good standing at the time of competition. There is a one hundred (100) sport point bonus for the “Performance Cane Corso of the Year”. 2020 Performance Cane Corso of the Year, Working Cane Corso of the Year, Working Breeder of the Year and 2020 Perennial CCAA Working + Performance Titles will be announced in separate posts. 2020 CCAA Working Cane Corso of the Year – Ivy League Vendetta CD RAE CGC TKA BH FO PA OB1
Ivy League Vendetta CD RAE CGC TKA BH FO PA OB1 aka *VENDETTA* accumulated 325 total points in 2020, all of which were sport points, with the following titles (listed in the order in which they were earned): IGP Obedience and Temperament Test, SDA Family Obedience, SDA Protection Alert and SDA Obedience Level 1. She has also accumulated 740 lifetime sport points and 830 lifetime total points. 2020 Performance Cane Corso of the Year, Performance Breeder of the Year, Working Breeder of the Year and 2020 Perennial CCAA Working + Performance Titles will be announced in separate posts. To be considered for CCAA Working Dog of the Year, the following rules apply: The dog accruing the most points shall be awarded the title "CCAA Working Cane Corso of the Year". A minimum of 200 points must be earned to qualify, ALL points must be earned out of the category “Sport”, as per the current CCAA Working Points Schedule, during the calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). This threshold is subject to board re-evaluation once points submission deadline is met. The owner must be a CCAA member in good standing at the time of competition. This award was retired effective January 1, 2021; members may refer to BOD meeting minutes from February 2021. 2020 CCAA Performance Cane Corso of the Year – GCH CH Costa Bel Haniel BN RI FDC ACT1 RATN CGCA CGCU TKE RATI TT HIT
GCH CH Costa Bel Haniel BN RI FDC ACT1 RATN CGCA CGCU TKE RATI TT HIT aka *WILLOW* accumulated 495 total points in 2020, 330 of which were sport points, with the following titles (listed in the order in which they were earned): Canine Good Citizen Urban, Trick Dog Intermediate, Trick Dog Advanced, Trick Dog Performer, Rally Novice Obedience, Trick Dog Elite Performer, Beginner Novice Obedience, Rally Intermediate Obedience, Barn Hunt Instinct, Novice Barn Hunt, Agility Course Test 1, Farm Dog Certified, Herding Instinct Test, OFA Excellent Hips, OFA Normal Elbows and OFA Normal Cardiac. She has also accumulated 550 lifetime sport points and 350 lifetime total points. 2020 Working Cane Corso of the Year, Performance Breeder of the Year, Working Breeder of the Year and 2020 Perennial CCAA Working + Performance Titles will be announced in separate posts. To be considered for CCAA Performance Cane Corso of the Year, the following rules apply: The dog accruing the most points shall be awarded the title "CCAA Performance Cane Corso of the Year". A minimum of 200 points must be earned to qualify, ALL points must be earned out of the category “Sport”, as per the current CCAA Performance Points Schedule, during the calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). This threshold is subject to board re-evaluation once points submission deadline is met. The owner must be a CCAA member in good standing at the time of competition. |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025