To All CCAA Members:
I'm writing this letter to address some concerns that membership have brought to me about an audio recording between myself and another club member that is making its rounds on the internet. If you haven't already seen/heard it, I wouldn't recommend that you waste your time to try and find it. If you have, please allow me alleviate some concerns that have been expressed to me. As President, I am open to conversations with any member of the club. If you call and ask me questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability, while following Florida law, our Bylaws, and Robert's Rules of Order. If you ask for my opinion, you're going to get my opinion. If you don’t agree with my opinion that is okay. If a member chooses to use my discussion with them in a negative way, whether putting it out in email or on any other social media sites or putting it out as a recording that the member has secretly taped without my knowledge or consent, it reflects more on the character of that member than on mine or the club itself. If you choose to release it in order to disparage myself or the club, it is your prerogative. Again it is a greater reflection on the member rather than on the club. Please know though, that this will not affect me answering any other member calls or questions. This will not stop me from speaking with any member who asks. I am the President of this club and I hope that membership feels that they can come directly to me. You can reach me at [email protected]. Any opinion I give is just that, my opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of the entire board. Your board is comprised of 13 volunteer board members that you have elected to work on your behalf to better the breed and the club. No one person controls or dictates the actions of the board, no matter what you may have heard. When there is work being done by those board members for the club, the board votes on those matters. If it is something like a Standard change or a Bylaws change those go to the entire membership to vote on for the ultimate decision. Our monthly board meetings are available to club members to listen to on the CCAA website. I encourage you to listen to them to hear for yourself what is being discussed. Unfortunately there are some members and former members, who thrive on drama and negativity and even some who find a way to make money from it. There will always be drama in the club. This is no different than any other organization comprised of a diverse number of people. I understand that and I hope you understand that also. I also hope that you make the choice to not participate. What I fail to understand is why people who have such contempt for the club would spend the money to join the club, just to disparage it. But there are those who do, and it is what it is. For those who have asked, we cannot just “throw” members out. The only way to remove a member is detailed in our Bylaws. Basically that member can formally resign with a letter addressed to the secretary, they can choose to not renew their membership at the end of the year (lapse) or they can be expelled by membership vote at the annual meeting after a grievance hearing that they have been found guilty at. I hope that this letter addresses any concerns that you may have had. Please know that the board is working diligently to continue to make this a club that is for the Cane Corso, an amazing dog we all know and love. Thank you, Rebecca Simonski CCAA President Dear CCAA Member,
As chair and director of the Standard committee, I am delighted to inform you that we are now moving into the formal standard revision phase. This has been an extensive process. When I took office and appointed a committee in 2020, we painstakingly reviewed and compiled all the input from the last decade. This information comprises historic standard writings, AKC breed standard comparison, dialog, communications, suggestions, and comments from judges, past standard committees, and the Corso community. The committee's next step was to determine if standard revisions were necessary at all. We did find significant evidence that certain portions of the standard were either ambiguous or confusing. It was concluded that a limited amount of wording to clarify certain sections would be beneficial. In October, I attended an AKC webinar on the policy for standard revisions and began the formal process. On January 17, 2021, I notified the AKC in writing that the committee was entering the development stage of a revision. I will remain in contact with AKC staff throughout this process to get their advice for the best possible proposed language. At this time, I am formally requesting that any CCAA member in good standing that wishes to submit standard input and/or suggestions should send them to me at: [email protected] This initial member input stage will be open for 14 days, starting today. At the end of the 14 day input period, the committee will chart and organize information that was received. This process will also include AKC staff. The Timeline from there will be: 1. There will be an initial standard committee presentation to the Board and membership. Members will also receive a comparison chart between the current standard, the first round of suggestions, where each suggestion came from, and reasoning as to why the committee added it for consideration. 2. The date the committee presents the initial suggestion chart will open a second 14 day membership input stage and Board review. (The AKC does not require these 14 day input periods, but the committee feels members should have every opportunity to contribute to the process). 3. After the second 14 days have elapsed, the Committee will review and make any adjustments needed based on the Board and membership input. This draft will then be sent to the Board for approval. 4. Board will vote whether or not proposals are to be sent to AKC in an official request. If CCAA Board votes affirmative, a 60 day period will commence in which the AKC will review and publish the proposals in the AKC gazette. The standard committee will continue to take comments/questions from eligible members at that time. 5. After 60 days, members' questions will be addressed in either a virtual meeting or in writing. 6. Following publication, comments received and response to such comments from the club will be presented to the AKC Board for approval to ballot the membership. 7. Upon AKC Board approval, a line item ballot will be sent to eligible CCAA members. Each AKC-approved adjustment will be listed, and the members may vote on each one. 8. An affirmative 2/3 of the eligible votes are needed to pass a revision. 9. Ballot results are then sent to the AKC. Those that support a revision to the standard will be scheduled for inclusion on the AKC board's agenda for approval. The approved standard will be published on the AKC Secretary's Page, and the club will be notified in writing of the final approval with a reminder of the five-year moratorium. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me. I look forward to your input on this matter. Sincerely, Kathy Cressia CCAA Director #1 Standard Committee Chair Dear Members of the CCAA,
The Cane Corso Association of America (CCAA), the official American Kennel Club (AKC) parent breed club for the Cane Corso in the U.S., experienced two major breaches of its Code of Ethics on February 6, 2021, and February 27, 2021. Section 2(L) of the Code of Ethics states “I will not make accusations or try to discredit other breeders, exhibitors or CCAA members to anyone but the CCAA Club Officers directly.” Three weeks ago, a YouTube livestream hosted by two current CCAA members and a suspended member, who is also an approved AKC Judge of the Cane Corso, directly violated this section of our Code of Ethics. During the livestreams, there were multiple accusations made against CCAA members in an attempt to discredit them and divide the club. The livestreams were filled with inaccuracies regarding CCAA processes and policies, most notably about the current procedure for the breed standard revision. The CCAA is governed and operates under the mandate of its Constitution and Bylaws as outlined in “Robert’s Rules of Order.” The club is comprised of a group of people and not an individual as implied in the livestreams. All club decisions, including the proposed breed standard revision, must go through a rigorous and complex process prior to approval by membership vote. Members are actively encouraged to contribute and participate in club activities, including the multiple committees working for the breed. We want our members and the community to know the overt breaches of our Code of Ethics in the livestreams are taken very seriously by the CCAA. Promoting mistruths and negative rhetoric about the CCAA only serves to hurt the breed and goes against our mission of promoting and protecting the Cane Corso breed. The CCAA is the ambassador of the Cane Corso breed and committed to the values, ethics, and philosophies of good stewardship. We encourage current and potential members to join us for the many exciting initiatives and activities in the CCAA roadmap for the future. As one member said, “we all love our dogs and that should be the priority.” Thank you, CCAA Officers and Directors |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025