In an effort to provide the most recent developments regarding the Cane Corso Association of America’s 2019 National Specialty weekend, below is some great information to help you navigate through everything going on during the cluster! As previously announced, the Cane Corso Association of America’s 2019 National Specialty weekend will be held in conjunction with the Victory Lane Classic Cluster in Concord, North Carolina, from May 30th to June 2nd at the Cabarrus Center. The Cabarrus Center is a modern, state-of-the-art event center with a first-class banquet facility. As in prior years, the CCAA is making sponsorship of trophies available to all and our trophy sponsorship website can be found here:! The CCAA would like to extend its gratitude to Victor Pet Food for generously providing show sponsorship and prizes!
In a team effort with the CCAA, the host All Breed Kennel Clubs, the Carolina Working Group Association and the Cane Corso Club of the Carolinas (CCCC), participants will have a unique opportunity to show eight times in four days. The superintendent for all eight shows is MB-F, Inc. and all entries can be made at Each show must be entered individually and each sweepstakes must be entered as a separate class. All shows are limited to 100 entries but sweepstakes entries will NOT count toward that entry limit. The Cane Corso Club of the Carolinas (CCCC) Specialty and Sweepstakes on Friday will be listed as a CCAA event by MB-F and the AKC. The AKC allows a developing specialty club to use a parent club’s license to hold an event, which is the case here, but CCCC wins will not count toward CCAA awards. Although it must be listed by the name of the licensed club, every aspect of Friday’s CCCC Specialty and Sweepstakes is being provided by the Cane Corso Club of the Carolinas. Links to the eight separate shows on are provided within this schedule. Below is a schedule of events, all of which will be held on-site at the Cabarrus Center, updated as of April 23rd, 2019: Thursday, 05/30:
Friday, 05/31:
Saturday, 06/01:
Sunday, 06/02:
HEALTH CLINICS, Sponsored by the Salisbury NC Kennel Club, Inc.: Veterinarian On Site Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging, 3310 Hwy. 88, Central, SC 29690 Nathan Craddock, DVM offering OFA Hips & Elbows in Events Center “A” May 30 through June 2 Friday, May 31st, 2019 Echocardiogram Clinic Cardiac Certifications (Echo & Auscultation) OFA and/or ARCH with Peggy Sayer, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology), Board Certified Veterinary Cardiologist, will be offering a heart certification clinic and ultrasound examination of breeding dogs. The clinic will run from 9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. No appointments are necessary. The fee is $185.00 per dog and includes Auscultation. Dogs must be 12 months or older for certification. Echocardiograms will be done on Friday. Saturday, June 1st, 2019 Heart Certification (Auscultation Only) OFA and/or ARCH Peggy Sayer, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology) Board Certified Veterinary Cardiologist Fee is $45.00 per dog for Auscultation only. Dog must be 12 months or older for Certification. Eye Examinations (CAER/CERF) Josh Broadwater, DVM, DACVO Diplomate ACVC Board Certified by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Fee is $55.00 per dog. BAER Testing Dr. Suzanne Hughes, DVM Testing is recommended for dogs five weeks and older. Fee is $55.00 per dog. Dentition Certification Dr. Suzanne Hughes, DVM Adult Teeth must be Fully Erupted for Certification. Fee is $25.00 per dog for OFA Certification. Patella Certification Dr. Suzanne Hughes, DVM Dogs must be 12 months or older for Certification. Fee is $35.00 per dog for OFA Certification. AKC Microchips Fee is $25.00. Appointments can be made by contacting Selina Skipper at (704) 402-4585 or E-mail: [email protected]. HOTEL INFORMATION, Provided by the Host All-Breed Clubs: I-85 Exit 58 Comfort Inn & Suites, 3033 Cloverleaf Pkwy., Kannapolis, NC 28083 (704) 795-4888 Victory Classic Room Block King or Double Rooms are $109.00 - Pet fee waived - Call Hotel Directly America's Best Value Inn, 2451 Kannapolis Hwy., Concord, NC 28025 (704) 788-8550 Victory Classic Room Block King or Double Rooms $64.95 - Call Hotel Directly One time pet fee: $25.00 for 2 pets plus $5.00 each additional pet. Holiday Inn Express, 2491 Wonder Dr., Concord/Kannapolis, NC 28083 (704) 743-1080 Victory Classic Room Block King or Double Rooms $129.00 - Reservation deadline 4/29/19 Pet fee $25.00 per stay I-85 Exit 55 Drury Inn, 415 West W.T. Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28262 (704) 593-0700 Victory Classic Room Block King or Double Rooms $100.00 - Two dogs per room. Pet fee $35.00 per night. Call Hotel Directly - Group Code: 2371528 I-85 Exit 49 Residence Inn by Marriott, 7601 Scott Padgett Pkwy., Concord, NC 28027 (704) 454-7862 Victory Classic Room Block King Studio Suite or Two Queen Studio Suite $139.00 Pet fee $50.00 per room - Call Hotel Directly DOG'S TITLE
DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH About Time's Xotic Secret B Champion CH Altiere's Nectar Of The Gods Vino"" D Champion CH Battle Born Fangs Out D Champion CH Casa Reale's Lesedi La Rona B Champion CH Ck Demos Professor 'X' D Champion CH Cypress Arrow's Shock & Awe Dei Steele Creek CGC D Champion CH Darkhorse's Mother Of Dragons CGCA CGCU B Champion CH Difesa Made A Deal With The Devil CGC TKN D Champion CH Do The Roar's Ironclad Deviant Agenda CGC D Champion CH Gracie Della Baumann B Champion CH Hierarchy Paparazzi Catch Me Fly D Champion CH Hierarchy's Your With Us Or Against Us At Palazzo CGC TKN B Champion CH Italica's Fantasy Girl Of Res Ipsa B Champion CH Liberty's Journey To Dreams B Champion CH Liberty's Twist Of Fate At Italica B Champion CH Potrero Alfa Romeo D Champion CH Queen City's Mistress Of The Hierarchy B Champion CH Scandifios & Ancient Bellators Khal Drogo D Champion CH Showtime At The Apollo D Champion CH Wasatch Mountains Boogie Down Bronx B Grand Champion GCH CH Bravado's Let's Get It On D Grand Champion GCH CH Campo's Don'T Step On My Blue Suede Shoes D Grand Champion GCH CH Casios Tenacious Dark Vada B Grand Champion GCH CH Donato La Tore Valerie B Grand Champion GCH CH Drako Del Corsoclub D Grand Champion GCH CH Essence's Capria Of Capri B Grand Champion GCH CH Freitas' Gino Di Belmont CGC D Grand Champion GCH CH La Lupa Potrero Himinglaefa Thorir Adama TKN B Grand Champion GCH CH Liberty's Twist Of Fate At Italica B Grand Champion GCH CH Red Rock Canyon's Carbon Copy D Grand Champion GCH CH SXM Irma Fa Terra A Costa Bel RN CGCA CGCU TKN B Grand Champion GCH CH Windypine's Time Is On My Side CGC D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Oblivion Earthride CGC D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Red Rock Canyon's Shelby B Beginner Novice Ivy League Runaway Princess Kali BN CGCA CGCU TKN B Preferred Companion Dog GCH CH Force Pride Rosie PCD BN RI FDC CGC TKN B Rally Novice Casanova's Fire Away RN CGC TKN B Rally Novice Cavalry's The Bare Necessities RN CA CGC D Rally Novice Legion's On A Pale Horse RN CGC D Rally Advanced Casanova's Silver Bullet RA CA CGC TKA B Rally Excellent Rc Corso's Gracie RE THDN CGCA CGCU TKN B Farm Dog Certified Legion's Sweet Victory Of Nico CD BN RI FDC SCN SIN SBN DNA CGCA CGCU TKI D Novice Agility Preferred Crusade's Wild Thing FDC NAP NFP CAX DCAT ACT2 SWA SCNE SHDN TT RATO CGC TKN B Agility FAST Novice Preferred Crusade's Wild Thing FDC NFP CAX DCAT ACT2 SWA SCNE SHDN TT RATO CGC TKN B BCAT Sasha Midnights BCAT CGC B BCAT CH Windypine's Kiss A Little Longer BCAT B DCAT GCH CH Mar E Sol's Marlo Is All That (Girl) CA DCAT B FCAT Crusade's Wild Thing FDC NAP NFP CAX FCAT ACT2 SWA SCNE SINE SHDN TT RATO CGC TKN B Scent Work Interior Novice Elite Crusade's Wild Thing FDC NAP NFP CAX DCAT ACT2 SWA SCNE SINE SHDN TT RATO CGC TKN B Canine Good Citizen Athena's Chrisma Skies CGC B Canine Good Citizen Big Country's Hickory CGC D Canine Good Citizen GCH CH Casios Tenacious Dark Vada CGC B Canine Good Citizen Chesapeake's Dono Celeste Di Liberty CGC B Canine Good Citizen Costa Bel Haniel CGCA B Canine Good Citizen Costa Bel Sandalphon CGCA D Canine Good Citizen Cypress Arrow's Dutchess Dollie Of Clinton CGC B Canine Good Citizen Darkhorse's Mother Of Dragons CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Difesa Nevermore CGC B Canine Good Citizen Gorgo Cecilia Goodwin CGC B Canine Good Citizen Ivy League Total Control Big Ang CGCA B Canine Good Citizen Martin's Bellatrix Georgiana CGC B Canine Good Citizen Numenor's Ms. Sorsha Raine Mahan CGC B Canine Good Citizen Queen City's Kali CGC B Canine Good Citizen Queen City's Zino Vega CGC D Canine Good Citizen Willow II CGC B Advanced Canine Good Citizen About Time's Xquisit Secret CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Casey Jones CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Costa Bel Haniel CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Costa Bel Sandalphon CGCA D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Cypress Arrow's Magnus Argus CGCA D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Darkhorse's Mother Of Dragons CGCA CGCU B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Ivy League Total Control Big Ang CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Numenor's Ms. Sorsha Raine Mahan CGCA B Canine Good Citizen Urban About Time's Xquisit Secret CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Urban Cypress Arrow's Magnus Argus CGCA CGCU D Canine Good Citizen Urban Darkhorse's Mother Of Dragons CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Urban Maximo's 2 Ts FDC CGCA CGCU B Trick Dog Novice Cani Diavolo's Tech Nine CGCA TKN D Trick Dog Novice Costa Bel Haniel CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice Costa Bel Sandalphon CGCA TKN D Trick Dog Novice GCHS CH Pridenjoyz Afterglow RN CA TKN B Trick Dog Novice Pridenjoyz Fear Is Not A Factor CGCA TKN D Trick Dog Intermediate Emma Of Stoney Creek RN FDC CGCA TKI B Trick Dog Intermediate Ivy League Ugo CGC TKI D CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who made the Cane Corso community proud by working their dogs in 2018. Even bigger congratulations to those who went on to achieve titles in 2018. Thank you for submitting your points. To learn how to qualify and be considered for Lifetime and Annual CCAA Working Titles & Awards, please refer to the current CCAA Working Title Descriptions & Point Schedule.
CCAA Working Titles & Awards for 2018 are as follows: 2018 Working Breeder of the Year Zoe DeVita of Cane Corso de Italica Terrae, as announced in a separate post: Qualified Runner Up for Working Breeder of the Year:
2018 Working Dog of the Year PridenJoyz Triple Play RE FDC CGC TKP BH TDI, as announced in a separate post: Qualified Runners Up for Working Dog of the Year:
2018 CCAA Working Dog ALPHA: Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest Costa Bel Sebastian 2018 CCAA Register of Merit (ROM): Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest Castleguard Spiritridge Magical Sebec Costa Bel Fenice Miracolosa Costa Bel Sebastian Dal Cielo's Brutale Bello Legion's Ashirah Spiritridge's You Can't Catch Me At Acme 2018 Working Dog Novice (WDN): Costa Bel Delfino Costa Bel Regina dell'Eclisse Costa Bel Sebastian Italica's Anytime Anywhere Italica's Oliviero The Dream PridenJoyz Triple Play Scandifio's Legacy Of Leo Di Pullanos 2018 Working Dog Advanced (WDA): Firehorse Falcon Italica's Anytime Anywhere Italica's Wicked In Bed |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025