The CCAA is proud to announce that the 2018 CCAA National Specialty weekend brought in record-setting entries! Additionally, the location, venue and a great working relationship with the team behind the Victory Lane Classic prompted the CCAA Board of Directors to consider once again holding its 2019 National Specialty weekend in Concord, North Carolina, starting May 30th through June 2nd, 2019. By an overwhelming majority vote, the CCAA BOD voted to hold the 2019 CCAA National Specialty weekend in Concord, North Carolina, in conjunction with the Victory Lane Classic. 2019 would have been held in the south and due to the success of our 2018 event, we felt this was an excellent opportunity and hope you will join us. In a team effort with the CCAA, the cluster’s all-breed and working group clubs, along with the Cane Corso Club of the Carolinas (CCCC), intend to offer 8 opportunities within 4 days to exhibit your dogs. Actual scheduling is still being worked on and details will be presented as they become available, including information regarding the annual Breeder’s Cup Invitational, Young Prospect Challenge, Awards Banquet and general membership meeting. The 2020 CCAA National Specialty is already in its planning stages and the CCAA BOD intends to consider all venue options. Suggestions and suitable cluster ideas for 2020 are welcomed via email at [email protected]. Judging Nominations for the 2019 National Specialty judge open today! Clicking on this paragraph will take you to an AKC search screen where you can search all AKC Approved and Provisional Cane Corso judges. We hope this AKC tool will assist you in the nomination process. Below is the timeline for the selection process:
Members can EMAIL their nominations to [email protected]. Please put in the subject line "2019 Judges Nominations" for easy reference. Thank you for contributing to this yearly process! We are looking forward to vetting all your nominations! How Are Judges Chosen To Judge CCAA Specialties?
CCAA National Specialty Judges are chosen by the members of the CCAA. Each year, the CCAA holds a judge nomination voting period, followed by a vetting period for nominees. Finally, the vetted nominees are presented back to the membership for a final vote. Selection Process in Detail Current CCAA members are asked to nominate 3 judges they would like to see judge the CCAA National Specialty. Once nominations close, an Events committee member or members contact the nominees to vet interest and availability on the dates of the upcoming CCAA National Specialty. After the nominees have been vetted, their names are presented back to the membership and each member gets to vote for 1 judge. Once voting is closed, the committee contacts that judge with the highest number of votes to double check availability and interest to judge the CCAA National Specialty. The second highest vote-getter is asked to judge the CCAA Regional Specialty that is held in conjunction with the CCAA National Specialty. If there are supported entry shows the day before or after the National and Regional, the host kennel club has sole discretion to choose the judges for those shows. Regional Specialty judges are chosen by the host kennel club, which is designating its classes as our Specialty. Occasionally, a host kennel club will allow our Board of Directors to vote for a judge from a list of judges they have already hired. If you are a member and have not received these emails regarding the selection of judges, please email the Events Director to be added to the distribution list. Please note, the selections typically take place between January and March for the following year. Current CCAA National Specialty judge selection rules: Once a judge has judged the CCAA National Specialty, her or she may not judge another CCAA National Specialty for 3 years. Once a judge has judged a CCAA Regional Specialty that is held in conjunction with the CCAA National Specialty, he or she may not judge another CCAA Regional Specialty for 2 years, unless the judge is assigned by a host kennel club to judge a Regional Specialty. DOG'S TITLE
DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH 3kings Gorgeous Halle Berry B Champion CH Casa Reale's Holeshot Outlaw"" D Champion CH Ivy League Kratos D Champion CH Last Frontier's Daymos D Champion CH Pirates Den Electra B Champion CH Riverbluff's Let's Go Crazy Of Arsenal D Champion CH Sapphire's A Necessary Misfit B Champion CH Spiritridge's Take No Prisoners CGC D Champion CH Steele Creeks Bubbles CGC B Champion CH Storm Front Monsoon Summer B Champion CH Wolf Corso Imperium CGC D Champion CH Worldwide's E-Apollo D Grand Champion GCH CH Carolina Dreams I Am Legend D Grand Champion GCH CH Force Pride Rosie BN RI CGC TKN B Grand Champion GCH CH Hierarchy Messianic Legacy B Grand Champion GCH CH Last Frontier's Trailblazer D Grand Champion GCH CH Moschetti's Until Dusk Di Bucanitas D Grand Champion GCH CH Odisseia's Ronja Rã¤Ubertochter Fights For Italica B Grand Champion GCH CH Prestigious Guardians Moves Like Jagger D Grand Champion GCH CH Spiritridge's Justice Is Served B Grand Champion GCH CH Wolfcreeks Blessings Do Come True D Grand Champion GCH CH Worldwide's C-Lucian Di Colts Guardiano D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Motorheads Mustang Sally CGCA CGCU TKN B Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Royals Destined For Glory CGC D Beginner Novice CH Force Pride Rosie BN RI CGC TKN B Rally Novice CH Rockhaven's Wilderness Of Tekoa RN B Rally Intermediate Pridenjoyz Triple Play RI FDC CGC TKP D Rally Advanced Legacy's Spartacus RA CGC TKI D Coursing Ability GCHB CH Copper Sky's Ostara Of Catera CA CGCA TKA B Canine Good Citizen CH Adibeir Clear Blue Sky CGC B Canine Good Citizen Arsenal's Baby I'M A Star Of Riverbluff CGC B Canine Good Citizen Cato Censorius CGC D Canine Good Citizen Cypress Arrow's Insidious The Last Key CGC D Canine Good Citizen Cypress Arrow's Shock & Awe Dei Steele Creek CGC D Canine Good Citizen Difesa Strong Feeling We'Ve Done This Before CGC B Canine Good Citizen Lighthouse's Midnight Dreary CGC B Canine Good Citizen Motorheads Simple Man Van Zant CGC D Canine Good Citizen OEM's 2 Fast 2 Furious CGC B Canine Good Citizen Oem's La Femme Fatale Nikita CGC B Canine Good Citizen Spiritridge's Take No Prisoners CGC D Canine Good Citizen Wolf Corso Imperium CGC D Canine Good Citizen Wolfcreek's Hope CGC B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Gator Country Smooth Operator CGCA D Canine Good Citizen Urban Ivy League Runaway Princess Kali CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Urban Rc Corso's Gracie RI CGCU TKN B Trick Dog Novice Casanova's Midnight Timber CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice GCHB CH Royals Destined For Glory CGC TKN D Dock Senior CH Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest CD BN RE CA THDN DS DJ CGCA CGCU TKI D Dear CCAA Members, RE: The Temporary Suspension of Annie Wildmoser Summary The Cane Corso Association of America Board of Directors (CCAA BOD) recently reviewed a complaint against Annie Wildmoser, CCAA Treasurer and former chair of the working committee. The complaint alleged that Ms. Wildmoser violated the CCAA BOD’s Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics by her actions on May 2, 2018, and multiple times thereafter. After careful review, the CCAA BOD determined, by majority vote, that Ms. Wildmoser did indeed violate both agreements, and determined, again by majority vote, that her club privileges would be suspended for 45 days beginning August 7, 2018, as a result of those violations. Furthermore, an email requesting that she send to the ethics director all club records related to her position as treasurer was sent to Ms. Wildmoser on August 9, 2018. As of August 17, 2018, that request remains unfulfilled. Until her suspension ends on September 21, 2018, Ms. Wildmoser is not considered a CCAA member in good standing. Background The CCAA BOD recently determined that Ms. Wildmoser, in her capacity as chair of the working committee had been operating unilaterally and making decisions without board approval, which is a violation of our bylaws. The CCAA BOD further determined that the committee was implementing policies, which include, but are not limited to, the calculation and creation of working awards, again without board approval, which is also a violation of our bylaws. In the course of the discussion, the CCAA BOD discovered that the oversight of working events and calculations falls under the events director, a rule that has been in the bylaws since before Ms. Wildmoser’s tenure, but of which those involved in the situation had been unaware. As a result of these discoveries, the CCAA BOD moved to have proper procedure and protocol followed, effective immediately, and the events director asked to be part of the working committee. Ms. Wildmoser refused, stating that she needed to consult with her committee. The members of the working committee resigned, including Ms. Wildmoser, and the committee was disbanded. At no time did the events director ask to take over the committee. Ms. Wildmoser announced her resignation via a post on a CCAA media outlet of which she was the administrator. The post was made on a Facebook group that gave the impression of being an official CCAA forum, which it was not. The post was not approved by the board; included information from the most recent meeting, of which the minutes had not yet been approved; presented one-sided information that omitted pertinent facts, and disparaged another board member, undermining that member’s authority and credibility—all clear violations of our Code of Conduct. Additionally, the comments the post generated escalated the gravity of the violation. Ms. Wildmoser was asked to remove the post multiple times and refused. The Facebook group has since been turned over to the CCAA BOD and the post was subsequently removed by the CCAA BOD. At no time was Ms. Wildmoser asked to step down as the chair of the working committee, nor were her efforts disparaged. Indeed, the CCAA Board of Directors recognizes and appreciates Ms. Wildmoser’s efforts, commitment and contributions to the club, and values her as a board member. However, the CCAA’s Officers and Directors have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that all members, directors, and officers adhere to the CCAA bylaws, Code of Ethics, and Board of Directors’ Code of Conduct. (See the code of conduct at the end of this memo.) The CCAA BOD planned to make these events public once the August 2018 meeting minutes are approved (during the September 2018 board meeting). However, since multiple discussions on social media have ensued, we felt the need to present it today. Like any club, the CCAA cannot operate effectively without bylaws or a code of conduct that members collectively agree to uphold. Hence, we take violations seriously. Anyone who is found to be in violation the club’s bylaws, code of ethics, or board of directors’ code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension. Sincerely, Steel Campbell, President Cane Corso Association of America Below is the code of conduct with violations in red and italics.
Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors of the Cane Corso Association of America. This Code of Conduct is intended to set basic rules of conduct for Board Members in order to maintain and build public confidence in the integrity and objectivity of the Board of Directors and to allow Board Members to exercise their mandate and carry out their duties with confidence, independence and objectivity for the better fulfillment of the Club’s mission/mandate. This Code applies to all members of the Board of Directors of the Cane Corso Association of America and to all members of committees established by the Board of Directors, whether or not the members of such committees are Board members. This Code of Conduct is meant to work in conjunction with the current Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Ethics of the Cane Corso Association of America. During Term of Office ****Members are accountable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of their office diligently, honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the Club rather than in the interests of any other person, entity or region. Members will adhere to all AKC rules, regulations and requirements related to all matters in the sport of dogs. The AKC Code of Sportsmanship is included as well. Members will be ethical and responsible. ****Board Members will treat other Members and the general membership with respect and will deal fairly/ethically on matters relating to their role as a Board member and representative of the Club. Members commit themselves to appropriate decorum when attending any dog related activity including but not limited to dog shows, performance events or social gatherings. ****Members will respectfully work with other members in a spirit of harmony and cooperation, giving members courteous consideration of their opinions. Members will be guarded in their comments and avoid attacks on other people’s reputations. Members will represent loyalty to the interests of the CCAA. This accountability supersedes any loyalty such as that to advocacy or interest groups and membership on other Boards or in other Clubs. A Member will not assist any person or any organization in its dealings with the Club when such intervention may result in real or apparent preferential treatment to that person or organization by the Club. Members will disclose conflicts of interest to the Board, annually, and as they arise. If a Member is uncertain about whether a conflict of interest exists, he/she will consult the Chair of the Board for clarification. ****Members will not communicate any matter designated as confidential to others, and will abide by the confidentiality of such confidential information in perpetuity. Members will carry out their duties in such a way as to maintain confidence in the administration of the Club. Members will not attempt to exercise individual authority over any Board or Club business, except as explicitly set forth in Board policies or otherwise determined by the Board. Members will attend meetings on a regular and punctual basis and be well prepared for each meeting and for the discussion of all agenda items. After Leaving Office Members will act in such a manner so as not to make use of any information obtained in their capacity as a Member that is not generally available to the public, in order to derive a benefit or advantage for themselves or that of any family member. ****Members will respect the confidentiality of information received in the performance of their duties, as well as the confidentiality of the deliberations of the Board. Failure to Comply with the Code of Conduct *****In case of non-compliance of any of the provisions of this Code of Conduct the same shall be reported to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Club. Where a Member has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct, the Board of Directors shall have the power to issue a warning or to suspend the said Member for a period of time by majority vote, depending on the severity of the compliance failure. Exceptions Provisions in the COC may be waived by the CCAA Board of Directors and/or by a vote of the membership based on review and evaluation of specific circumstances which could appear on face to be in violation of the COC. Members are urged to contact the CCAA Board of Directors regarding any noncompliance with the COC. Any amendments or modification to the Code of Conduct This Code of Conduct is subject to modification. The Board of Directors has the requisite powers and the authority to update and amend the Code of Conduct once every calendar year. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Code of Conduct: Each of the Board of Directors of the Club shall sign the Code of Conduct and return the same to the Club Secretary. Greetings CCAA Members,
The CCAA 2018 Election Oversight Committee has been appointed. We welcome the following members:
Timeline for 2018 CCAA Elections:
Qualifications to Hold Office: All Officer or Director nominees must be a member in good standing for 3 years with at least 6 of those months directly previous to the date nominations close. In addition, all Officer or Director candidates/nominees must meet 1 or more of the following requirements:
Qualifications to Vote or Nominate:
Positions Open for 2018 CCAA Elections:
Bylaws Related to the Election Process: Article III Section 5. Regional VP will serve a two (2) year term. Elections will be held for Regional VPs on odd years. Only members of the CCAA in good standing may vote in regional elections. Members may only cast of vote for the candidates from their region. Article IV Section 3. Annual Election. The election of Officers and Directors shall be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots, to be valid, must be received by the Election oversight committee (or an independent professional firm designated by the Board) by December 1. Ballots shall be counted by three inspectors of the election; if possible they should be members of the oversight committee. They must be members in good standing. They cannot be members of the current Board, candidates on the ballot or their family members. These inspectors must be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board may designate an independent professional firm to send, receive, and count the ballots. The nominated candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. If any nominee, at the time of the election, is unable to serve for any reason, such nominee shall not be elected, and the vacancy so created shall be filled by the new Board of Directors in the manner provided by Article III, Section 3. Section 4. Nominations and Ballots. No person may be a candidate in a Club election who has not been nominated in accordance with these bylaws. An Election Oversight Committee shall be chosen by the Board of Directors before August 15th. The committee shall consist of: five members-one from each region and one additional, all members in good standing, no more than one of whom may be a member of the current Board of Directors, and none that are up for re-election. The Board shall name a chairman for the committee if it so chooses. The Nominating Committee may conduct its business electronically or by phone. The Election Oversight Committee shall receive nominations of candidates from eligible members of the Club. The Committee will vet out the nominees and confirm that they wish to run for the position. In order to qualify to be a candidate as an Officer or Director, the person must be a member in good standing for at least three (3) years, except as set forth in Article III, Section 1 b, and able to meet that office’s requirements. The committee shall then submit its slate of candidates to the Secretary, who shall publicly post the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the state in which he or she resides, to allow each member of the Club to view it on or before September 1st, so that additional nominations may be made by the members if they so desire. (a) In order to be eligible to vote in an annual election or to vote on an amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws, a member must satisfy all other requirements in the Constitution and Bylaws and have been a member in good standing for six (6) months prior to the date nominations close or the election ballots are mailed to the membership. (b) Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to the Chair of the oversight committee and postmarked on or before September 30th, signed by two members and accompanied by the written acceptance of each such additional nominee signifying his willingness to be a candidate. (c) If no valid additional nominations are submitted for a position, the Election Oversight Committee's slate shall be declared elected and no balloting will be required. (d) If one or more valid additional nominations are postmarked on or before September 30th, the Election oversight committee chair (or an independent professional firm designated by the Board) shall, on or before October 15th, mail to each member in good standing a ballot listing all of the nominees for each position in alphabetical order, with the names of the states in which they reside, and a résumé (500 words or less) submitted by the candidate, together with a blank envelope and a return envelope addressed to the Secretary (or designated professional firm) marked "Ballot" and bearing the name of the member to whom it was sent. So that the ballots may remain secret, each voter, after marking their ballot, shall seal it in the blank envelope, which in turn shall be placed in the second envelope addressed to the Chair of the Oversight Committee (or designated professional firm) and mailed in, post marked on or before December 1st. The inspectors of election (or designated professional firm) shall check the returns against the list of members whose dues are paid for the current year prior to opening the outer envelopes, remove the blank envelopes, and shall certify the eligibility of the voters as well as the results of the voting, which shall be announced no later than December 15. In the event that the Secretary position is up for election, the ballots may not be sent out by this office, but from a member of the Oversight committee. Please use the following e mail to contact us with any questions or comments you may have or to request a nomination form or download it by clicking here: [email protected] Watch for our updates on the CCAA FaceBook page: and/or the CCAA website blog: Respectfully, The CCAA 2018 Election Oversight Committee Region 1 – Jeff Durr Region 2 + Chairperson – JoAnne Campbell Region 3 – Corey Kravitz Region 4 – Curtis Gebers Board of Directors Liaison – Yvonne Aleman |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025