Cane Corso AKC Custom Reporting Using Combined BOB & BOS Totals through September 30, 201810/27/2018
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CCAA Midwest Regional Specialty, Saturday, October 20, 2018
Wilmington, Ohio CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS & EXHIBITORS ALIKE! *** Judge Ms. Rita J. Biddle Esq. *** Best of Breed – GCHB CH Copper Sky’s Ostara Of Catera FDC CA CGCA Best of Opposite – GCHB CH Chatham’s Meet Me N The Grotto CGCA Best of Winners – Fyrelands Epic Pull The Trigger Winners Dog – Fyrelands Epic Pull The Trigger Winners Bitch – Stoneridge’s Pretty In Pink Select Dog – CH Bravado’s Secret Agent Of Carolina Dreams Select Bitch – CH Alcor’s Spice Of Life At Serafina Award of Merit – GCHG CH Serafina’s Ever So Clever At Castleguard Award of Merit – GCHG CH Del’Agreste Bin Up To No Good At Sno-Storm RN FDC CGCA CGCU TKA Reserve Winners Dog – Scandifio’s Renegade Of The Rings Reserve Winners Bitch – Scandifio’s Molly Di Armonno Best Owner Handler – GCHB CH Chatham’s Meet Me N The Grotto CGCA *** Judge Ms. Chandra Klem Haluczak *** Best in Puppy Sweepstakes – Stoneridge’s Pretty In Pink *** DOG'S TITLE
DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH Always On The Go Marley B Champion CH Caius Porolissum Cane Corso D Champion CH Caroladel Corsoclub B Champion CH Castleguard Summer Breeze B Champion CH Costa Bel Sebastian RN CGCA CGCU TKP D Champion CH Difesa Don'T Make Deals With Dragons CGC TKN B Champion CH Dragonheart's Why So Serious? D Champion CH Essence Of Italica's Dante Inferno D Champion CH Heatwave's Where The Wild Things Are B Champion CH Italica's Glorious Gilda CGC TKI B Champion CH Ivy League Black Caviar RN CGC D Champion CH Lady Ramona Custodi Nos CGCA CGCU B Champion CH Lionheart's Eat Your Heart Out D Champion CH Lionheart's Struttin My Stuff B Champion CH Mar E Sol's Sweet Nellie FDC B Champion CH Maximo's Kansas B Champion CH Motorheads Simple Man Van Zant FDC CGC TKN D Champion CH Mt View's Keeping It Low-Key D Champion CH Notorious Yung Gotti D Champion CH Plk's Country Roads, Take Me Home D Champion CH Windypine's Kiss A Little Longer B Grand Champion GCH CH Freedom Alliance's The Bull Rides Again Jota B Grand Champion GCH CH Gda Sit This One D Grand Champion GCH CH Wolf Corso Imperium CGC D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Castleguard Spirit Ridge Gonzo Blues D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Windypine's It's All In The Mix BN RN CA BCAT B Grand Champion Silver GCHS CH Valente's Sophia Dolce Eleganza B Companion Dog Italica's Oliviero The Dream CD BN CGC D Companion Dog Scandifio's Legacy Of Leo Di Pullanos CD PCD BN RN ACT1 RATN CGCA D Beginner Novice GCH CH Rockhaven's Wilderness Of Tekoa BN RN B Rally Novice GCHB CH Dal Cielo's Brutale Bello RN RATO CGCA TKN D Rally Novice CH Spiritridge's You Can'T Catch Me At Acme RN D Rally Advanced Rc Corso's Gracie RA CGCU TKN B Rally Advanced Excellent Perett's Perfect Storm CD BN RAE FDC CGCA TKA B Farm Dog Certified Alcor's Sunkist Sue Of Serafina FDC B Farm Dog Certified GCHB CH Castleguard Spiritridge Magical Sebec FDC CGC D Farm Dog Certified Mar E Sol's Sweet Nellie FDC B Farm Dog Certified GCHB CH Motorheads Mustang Sally FDC CGCA CGCU TKI B Farm Dog Certified Motorheads Simple Man Van Zant FDC CGC TKN D Farm Dog Certified Trailheads Steppin' Out From The Darkside FDC B BCAT Essence Of Italica's Float Like A Butterfly CA BCAT DJ DN CGC D BCAT Italica's Anytime Anywhere CD BN RE FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA D DCAT CH Black Pearl Chai FDC DCAT THDX CGCA CGCU TKA B Coursing Ability Legion's Keeper Of The Peace CA CGC TKN B Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice Italica's Tessa Naamah Allura BN RE SWN SCA SIA SEA SHDN CGCA TKN B Scent Work Container Novice CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN DJ CGC TKN B Scent Work Interior Novice CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN DJ CGC TKN B Scent Work Exterior Novice CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN DJ CGC TKN B Scent Work Buried Novice CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN DJ CGC TKN B Scent Work Novice CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN DJ CGC TKN B Scent Work Interior Excellent Italica's Tessa Naamah Allura BN RE SWN SIE SCA SEA SHDN CGCA TKN B Canine Good Citizen Casanova's Fire Away CGC B Canine Good Citizen Casanova's Pull The Trigger CGC B Canine Good Citizen Casanova's Romulus CGC D Canine Good Citizen Franklin Drego Scandifio CGC D Canine Good Citizen Ivy League Apollo CGC D Canine Good Citizen CH Mar E Sol's Sweet Nellie FDC CGC B Canine Good Citizen Maximo's Kona CGC D Canine Good Citizen CH Pridenjoyz Stealing The Spotlight CGCA B Canine Good Citizen Scandifio's Calamity Of Power CGC D Canine Good Citizen Steven Mullen CGC D Canine Good Citizen CH Windypine's Seventh Samurai BCAT CGC D Advanced Canine Good Citizen GCHB CH Dal Cielo's Brutale Bello RATO CGCA TKN D Advanced Canine Good Citizen CH Hierarchy Ali'I Nui CGCA TKN D Advanced Canine Good Citizen CH Motorheads Simple Man Van Zant FDC CGCA TKN D Advanced Canine Good Citizen CH Pridenjoyz Stealing The Spotlight CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Rc Corso's Gracie RA CGCA CGCU TKN B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Southerns Riser To The Top CGCA D Therapy Dog Novice Rc Corso's Gracie RA THDN CGCA CGCU TKN B
The Cane Corso Association of America recently sent out membership surveys and we have reviewed your responses in detail. Due to those responses, we now know one of the things you want to see more of from your breed club is support of health research in the Cane Corso, and we agree! The CCAA has decided to support the Cane Corso Epilepsy Project with a donation match! We agree to match the single largest donation, up to $1,000!*, made through the CCAA from October 18, 2018 to October 26, 2018! Questions can be directed to Stephanie Rudderow via email at [email protected].
Donations can be made via PayPal by clicking here: *All donations must be made through the CCAA. The CCAA will match the single largest donation made between 12:00AM, October 18, 2018 and 11:59PM, October 26, 2018. Collaborations will be considered for the match, so long as the collaboration’s donation is made in 1 single donation. Announcement of the amount donated by the CCAA will be made October 29, 2018. Hello CCAA Members,
Eligible voting members should be receiving election ballots today in your e-mail. Please look for an e mail from [email protected]. It will have instructions and a link for you to vote for your new CCAA Directors. If you do not receive it, please check your spam and/or junk folder(s). If you have any problems with your ballot, please contact the Parliamentarian, Perfect Rules, or the EOC at [email protected]. If you have any questions about the election or your eligibility to vote, please contact the EOC at [email protected]. The deadline for sending in your ballot is December 3, 2018. PLEASE VOTE! Respectfully, 2018 CCAA Election Oversight Committee Region 1 - Jeff Durr Region 2 - Chairperson - JoAnne Campbell Region 3 - Vacant Region 4 - Curtis Gebers Board of Directors Liaison - Yvonne Aleman [email protected] The 2018 CCAA Member’s Choice Award opens for nominations today, October 15. Please read the award’s description, requirements and schedule below. Starting October 15, nominations should be submitted by email to Yvonne Alemán, CCAA Director of Awards of Standings, via email at [email protected].
Member’s Choice Award** Any dog or bitch owned by a CCAA member in good standing during the pertaining year is eligible to be nominated for this award. This award will recognize achievements by any member-owned Cane Corso that are not by way of traditional conformation and companion events. Examples include hunting, herding, therapy, dock diving, farm/ranch work, etc. The following rules apply:
** To be considered for Dog, Bitch and/or Puppy of the Year and Member’s Choice Award, the membership of at least one owner needs to be in good standing with no lapse from the year prior to the pertaining year. |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
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