DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH 3kings Dark Vador Sith Lord D Champion CH About Time's Top Secret B Champion CH Altobello Del Coritano TKN D Champion CH Casa Reale's Montauk's Shining Beacon Monty"" D Champion CH Casa Reale's Tip Of The Sword Espada"" B Champion CH Fearless Breaking Hearts Aka Valitina B Champion CH Fearless Full Throttle Aka Harley B Champion CH Fearless Riddick I Bow To No Man D Champion CH Ivy League That Girl Is Italica's Poison B Champion CH Pavarotti Iz Dinastii Chempionov D Champion CH Red Rock Canyon's Gucci B Grand Champion GCH CH Apple Valley's Leonardo D Grand Champion GCH CH Bellissima's King Simba D Grand Champion GCH CH Liberty's Diamond In The Ruff DM CGCA CGCU B Grand Champion GCH CH Valente's Sophia Dolce Eleganza B Grand Champion GCH CH Vito's License To Steal Di La Familia D Companion Dog CH Ivy League Sniper Gerassi Corso CD RA B Companion Dog CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RA DJ CGC B Preferred Companion Dog Excellent Italica's Mr. Firehorse Moonlight CD PCDX BN RE CA TKP D Rally Novice Italica's Anytime Anywhere BN RN FDC CGCA TKA D Rally Novice Ivy League Black Caviar RN D Rally Novice Ivy League Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Mila) RN CGC B Rally Advanced Italica's Anytime Anywhere BN RA FDC CGCA TKA D Rally Advanced GCH CH Ivy League Sparta Gerassi Corso RA CGC B Rally Advanced CH Piper Sweet Star Seven BN RA DJ CGC B Rally Excellent Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest CD BN RE CA DJ CGCA TKI D Farm Dog Certified Italica's Anytime Anywhere BN FDC CGCA TKA D Scent Work Exterior Novice Crusade's Wild Thing BCAT SWN SCA RATO CGC B Scent Work Buried Novice Crusade's Wild Thing BCAT SWN SCA RATO CGC B Scent Work Novice Crusade's Wild Thing BCAT SWN SCA RATO CGC B Scent Work Container Advanced Crusade's Wild Thing BCAT SWN SCA RATO CGC B Canine Good Citizen Big Country's Sharper Than Steel Obsidian CGC TKN D Canine Good Citizen Brickhouse Paris' Razors Edge CGC B Canine Good Citizen CH Castleguards Raising Kane From Spirit Ridge CGC D Canine Good Citizen Cle Strong's Spring CA CGC B Canine Good Citizen Cypress Arrow's Golden Theia CGC B Canine Good Citizen El Mesquital Nemesis CAA BCAT DN CGC B Canine Good Citizen Italica's Glorious Gilda CGC B Canine Good Citizen Ivy League King Tytus Maximus CGC D Canine Good Citizen Kakahoya CGC B Canine Good Citizen Majestic Army Alpha Argus CGC D Canine Good Citizen O-Cinder Corso Imperium CGC B Canine Good Citizen Trailhead's Carolina Queen CGC B Advanced Canine Good Citizen El Mesquital Junior De Vulcan CA BCAT CGCA D Advanced Canine Good Citizen El Mesquital Nemesis CAA BCAT DN CGCA B Trick Dog Novice Crusade's Wild Thing BCAT SWN SCA RATO CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Hierarchy's Your With Us Or Against Us At Palazzo CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice CH Italica's Albacara Thunnus CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice CH Italica's Charlies Angel BN RN CA DN CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice GCH CH Motorheads Mustang Sally CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice GCHP CH Palazzo's All By Himself Blue Ridge CGC TKN D Trick Dog Intermediate Carolina Dreams Bad Boy Bane CGCA TKI D Trick Dog Intermediate CH Italica's Albacara Thunnus CGC TKI B Trick Dog Intermediate CH Italica's Charlies Angel BN RN CA DN CGCA TKI B Trick Dog Advanced Carolina Dreams Bad Boy Bane CGCA TKA D Trick Dog Advanced Costa Bel Sebastian CGCA CGCU TKA D Trick Dog Advanced GCHG CH Del' Agreste Bin Up To No Good At Sno- Storm RN CGCA CGCU TKA D Trick Dog Performer Costa Bel Regina Dell'Eclisse BN RN RATN CGCA CGCU TKP B Therapy Dog Excellent CH Black Pearl Chai FDC BCAT THDX CGCA CGCU TKA B Cane Corso Results – 2017 AKC National Championship
Sunday, December 17, 2017 Orlando, Florida CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS & EXHIBITORS ALIKE! *** Judge Mr. Houston Clark *** Best of Breed – GCHP CH Palazzo's All By Himself Blue Ridge CGC TKN Best of Opposite – CH Valente's Sophia Dolce Eleganza Best of Winners – Donato La Tore Valerie Winners Dog – Carolina Dreams You Put A Spell On Me "Lestat" Winners Bitch – Donato La Tore Valerie Select Dog – GCH CH Castleguard Spiritridge Magical Sebec CGC Select Bitch – GCHS CH Legion's Ashirah BN RN 1st Award of Excellence – GCHP CH Campo's Petros Zeus CGC 2nd Award of Excellence – CH Casa Reale's Motown Remix "Ms. Vera Wang" 3rd Award of Excellence – Pheonomeno Del Corsoclub 4th Award of Excellence – GCH CH Alasdair Sins Of The Father Best Bred By – GCH CH Alasdair Sins Of The Father Reserve Winners Dog – Big Country's Sharper Than Steel Obsidian CGC TKN Reserve Winners Bitch – Rockhaven's Wilderness Of Tekoa CCAA Southern Regional Specialty, Friday, December 15, 2017
Orlando, FL CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS & EXHIBITORS ALIKE! *** Judge Mr. Dana P. Cline *** Best of Breed – CH Valente's Sophia Dolce Eleganza Best of Opposite – GCH CH Palazzo's All By Himself Blue Ridge CGC TKN Best of Winners – Darkhorse's Storm Warning Winners Dog – Big Country's Sharper Than Steel Obsidian CGC TKN Winners Bitch – Darkhorse's Storm Warning Select Dog – Ivy League Chief Select Bitch – GCH CH Epic Fuego En La Sangre Award of Merit – GCH CH Piece Of Puzzle Sangue Magnifica CA CGCA CGCU Award of Merit – GCHP CH Campo's Petros Zeus CGC Award of Merit – CH Ivy League That Girl Is Italica's Poison Award of Merit – CH Casa Reale's Motown Remix "Ms.Vera Wang" Reserve Winners Dog – Glow Aljoba-Argentina Reserve Winners Bitch – Valente's Kali Il Bellissimo Best Owner Handler – Ivy League Chief Best Puppy – SXM Irma Fa Terra A Costa Bel *** Judge Mr. Donald Plummer *** Best in Puppy Sweepstakes – CH Casa Reale's Motown Remix "Ms.Vera Wang" Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweepstakes – Big Country's Sharper Than Steel Obsidian CGC TKN Best of Breed Veteran Sweepstakes – GCH CH Mar E Sol's Lucretia Della Legion BN RN AXP MJP CAA Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweepstakes – GCH CH Mar E Sol's Saggio *** Congratulations to AKC and UKC CH Cypress Arrow’s Southern Blue River URO1 RN CGCA CGCU IDTT DHT GDTT IDT3 PP DLE SAR 118 aka *MOXIE* for winning the 2017 CCAA Member’s Choice Award! Thank you to all the members who took the time to vote for this award! This was an impressive race among 3 very deserving candidates! Moxie will be presented with her plaque at the Awards Banquet at our upcoming National Specialty in June in Concord, North Carolina! Congratulations to Claire Weiss & Tina Brimer for Moxie’s achievements! Below is Moxie’s impressive bio:
“We are humbled yet very proud that Moxie was nominated for this award. I would guess that those who nominated her also feel that she is an ambassador for our breed. Moxie is the epitome of the sound and stable temperament and function of a true Cane Corso Italiano. She exhibits the versatility that this breed encompasses and effortlessly transitions from our family pet, to show dog, to fierce protector and to a Search and Rescue Dog. Moxie was the first D.L.E. (Dogs for Law Enforcement) Certified Corso in America in 2016. She recertified in 2017. Moxie and I were called by Louisiana State Organizations this past September to assist in search and recovery efforts during Hurricane Harvey. We were assisting, amongst the tragic devastation, in searches for missing and dislocated persons in Dickerson, Texas. During this highly stressful and emotional time, Moxie maintained perfect composure and confidence despite being placed in and amongst unfamiliar surroundings, strangers, other animals, military equipment, ever-changing weather conditions and flooding conditions. In the last few months, we have incorporated cadaver recovery in our training in hopes that when live searches become recovery searches we can assist families and loved ones with closure. Moxie is very confident, strong, and athletic in all her work. She has the heart that carries her through any situation, and a presence about her that demands respect and admiration. A once in a lifetime dog. Moxie has not only earned titles in conformation but working titles as well. These titles include AKC Champion, UKC Champion, UKC Rally (URO 1), RN, CGCA, CGCU, IDTT (Iron Dog Temperament Test), DHT (Defense of Handler Test), GDTT (Guard Dog Temperament Test), IDT3 (IronDog Triathlon), and Certified in Personal Protection. We are one run short for her BCAT and will continue training and hopefully earning titles in whatever she enjoys doing. Most importantly, we will continue our work as a SAR / Cadaver service dog team when called upon.” |
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025