Greetings CCAA Members,
The CCAA 2020 Election Oversight Committee has been appointed. We welcome the following members:
Timeline for 2020 CCAA Elections:
Qualifications to Hold Office: All Officer or Director nominees must be a member in good standing for three (3) years (72 months) with at least six (6) of those months directly previous to the date nominations close. Also, all Officer or Director candidates/nominees must meet one (1) or more of the following requirements:
Qualifications to Vote or Nominate:
Positions Open for 2020 CCAA Elections:
Bylaws Related to the Election Process: Article III Section 5. Regional VP will serve a two (2) year term. Elections will be held for Regional VPs on odd years. Only members of the CCAA in good standing may vote in regional elections. Members may only cast a vote for the candidates from their region. Article IV Section 3. Annual Election. The election of Officers and Directors shall be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots, to be valid, must be received by the Election oversight committee (or an independent professional firm designated by the Board) by December 1st. Ballots shall be counted by three inspectors of the election; if possible, they should be members of the oversight committee. They must be members in good standing. They cannot be members of the current Board, candidates on the ballot, or their family members. These inspectors must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board may designate an independent professional firm to send, receive, and count the ballots. The nominated candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. If any nominee, at the time of the election, is unable to serve for any reason, such nominee shall not be elected, and the vacancy so created shall be filled by the new Board of Directors in the manner provided by Article III, Section 3. Section 4. Nominations and Ballots. No person may be a candidate in a Club election who has not been nominated in accordance with these bylaws. An Election Oversight Committee shall be chosen by the Board of Directors before August 15th. The Committee shall consist of: five members-one from each region and one additional, all members in good standing, no more than one of whom may be a member of the current Board of Directors, and none that are up for re-election. The Board shall name a chairman for the Committee if it so chooses. The Nominating Committee may conduct its business electronically or by phone. The Election Oversight Committee shall receive nominations of candidates from eligible members of the Club. The Committee will vet out the nominees and confirm that they wish to run for the position. In order to qualify to be a candidate as an Officer or Director, the person must be a member in good standing for at least three (3) years, except as set forth in Article III, Section 1 b, and able to meet that office's requirements. The Committee shall then submit its slate of candidates to the Secretary, who shall publicly post the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the state in which he or she resides, to allow each member of the Club to view it on or before September 1st, so that additional nominations may be made by the members if they so desire. (a) In order to be eligible to vote in an annual election or to vote on an amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws, a member must satisfy all other requirements in the Constitution and Bylaws and have been a member in good standing for six (6) months prior to the date nominations close, or the election ballots are mailed to the membership. (b) Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to the Chair of the oversight committee and postmarked on or before September 30th, signed by two members and accompanied by the written acceptance of each such additional nominee signifying his willingness to be a candidate. (c) If no valid additional nominations are submitted for a position, the Election Oversight Committee's slate shall be declared elected, and no balloting will be required. (d) If one or more valid additional nominations are postmarked on or before September 30th, the Election oversight committee chair (or an independent professional firm designated by the Board) shall, on or before October 15th, mail to each member in good standing a ballot listing all of the nominees for each position in alphabetical order, with the names of the states in which they reside, and a résumé (500 words or less) submitted by the candidate, together with a blank envelope and a return envelope addressed to the Secretary (or designated professional firm) marked "Ballot" and bearing the name of the member to whom it was sent. So that the ballots may remain secret, each voter, after marking their ballot, shall seal it in the blank envelope, which in turn shall be placed in the second envelope addressed to the Chair of the Oversight Committee (or designated professional firm) and mailed in, postmarked on or before December 1st. The inspectors of election (or designated professional firm) shall check the returns against the list of members whose dues are paid for the current year prior to opening the outer envelopes, remove the blank envelopes, and shall certify the eligibility of the voters as well as the results of the voting, which shall be announced no later than December 15th. In the event that the Secretary position is up for election, the ballots may not be sent out by this office, but from a member of the Oversight committee. Please use the following e-mail to contact us with any questions or comments you may have or to request a nomination form: [email protected] Alternatively, click here to open the nomination form in PDF format in a separate window. If you are an incumbent, click here to open the appropriate form in PDF format in a separate window. Watch for our updates on the CCAA Facebook page: and/or the CCAA website blog: Respectfully, The CCAA 2020 Election Oversight Committee: Region 1 – Vickie Venzen Region 2 – Garrett Eberly - Chairperson Region 3 – Christy Six Region 4 – Andrea Angel International – Loncey Clark Comments are closed.
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
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