DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH Caribbean Warrior Drake Treasure Hunter D Champion CH Caribbean Warrior Elektra B Champion CH Di Calabrese Sugenight Di Guerra D Champion CH Drama En Una Palabra B Champion CH Eros Porolissum Cane Corso D Champion CH Gladiators Quest Magnum D Champion CH Phoghaven's Thundyr From The Heavens RA FDC CA ACT1 RATN CGCA CGCU TKA B Grand Champion GCH CH Black Pearl King Gabriel D Grand Champion GCH CH Highpower's Able The Righteous Shepherd D Grand Champion GCH CH Island Guard Mana Mai Ka Lani Mai CGC D Grand Champion GCH CH Notorious X Class A Felony B Grand Champion GCH CH Primo Ivoni Imperial D Grand Champion GCH CH Res Ipsa's Mambacita B Grand Champion GCH CH Riverbluff's Whisky Bent And Hellbound B Grand Champion GCH CH Windypine's Horton Hears A Win RN CGC TKN D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Antico's Eve Of Mt View B Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Virtue's You Know My Name D Grand Champion Silver GCHS CH Bonafide I Own Mustang Now CGC TKN D Companion Dog Vantare Spiritridge Volleyed And Thundered CD BN RA CGCA CGCU TKN ATT D Beginner Novice Windypine's Lady Tano BN RI B Rally Novice Vantare Spiritridge The Storm Is Fast Descending RN CGCA CGCU TKN ATT B Rally Intermediate Khaos Presents God Only Knows RI BCAT CGC B Rally Intermediate Windypine's Let Your Dreams Bloom RI CGC TKN B Rally Advanced Khaos A Reoccurring Nightmare Coda Di Cavallo RA B Rally Excellent GCH CH Solo Uno's Little Ariel BN RE FDC BCAT CGCA TKI ATT B Rally Advanced Excellent 2 Scandifio's Calamity Of Power CDX RM3 RAE2 DCAT SWA SINE SCM SIE SEE CGCA CGCU TKN D Rally Master 3 Scandifio's Calamity Of Power CDX RM3 RAE DCAT SWA SINE SCM SIE SEE CGCA CGCU TKN D Farm Dog Certified GCH CH Big Country's Spoonful Of Sugar FDC ATT B Farm Dog Certified GCHS CH Integrity's Deadly Weapon At Haven Hill FDC TKN D BCAT Vae Victis' Narco BCAT D DCAT Scandifio's Calamity Of Power CDX RM2 RAE DCAT SWA SINE SCM SIE SEE CGCA CGCU TKN D Coursing Ability Casanova's Armored Defender RN CA BCAT CGCA TKI B Coursing Ability CH Casanova's Bombs Away RA CA BCAT CGCA TKI B Coursing Ability Casanova's Dive Bomber CA B Scent Work Interior Novice CH Adibeir No Mountain Too High BN RN BCAT SIN CGC TKI ATT B Scent Work Interior Novice Alaskan Lady Remi SCN SIN SEN B Scent Work Exterior Novice CH Adibeir No Mountain Too High BN RN BCAT SIN SEN SBN CGC TKI ATT B Scent Work Buried Novice CH Adibeir No Mountain Too High BN RN BCAT SIN SEN SBN CGC TKI ATT B Canine Good Citizen Bonafide Bruno DCAT SCN CGC D Canine Good Citizen Cypress Arrow's Madame Sosthane" CGC" B Canine Good Citizen Downey's Suge CGC TKN D Canine Good Citizen Icey Creek-Serafina I Feel The Earth Move CGCA CGCU D Canine Good Citizen Pridenjoyz Yippee Ki Yay CGC B Canine Good Citizen Relic's Escape Master Thor CGC D Canine Good Citizen Serafina-Americana Enchantress Lady Nimue CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Thoroughbred Black Cobra Maximus CGC D Canine Good Citizen Zeus' Zara CGC B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Adt Imperial Flower RN CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA VHMP FITB B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Ck's Talk To Me Goose" CGCA" D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Icey Creek-Serafina I Feel The Earth Move CGCA CGCU D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Scandifio's Nevaeh's Throne Di Sangue Di Re's CGCA CGCU B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Serafina-Americana Enchantress Lady Nimue CGCA CGCU B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Texas Pride Blue Sky Berlin FDC CGCA CGCU TKN B Canine Good Citizen Urban Adt Imperial Flower RN CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA VHMP FITB B Canine Good Citizen Urban Amici Calamittee Cane BN RI FDC SCN CGCA CGCU TKP ATT VHMA VHMP FITB B Canine Good Citizen Urban Icey Creek-Serafina I Feel The Earth Move CGCA CGCU D Canine Good Citizen Urban Scandifio's Nevaeh's Throne Di Sangue Di Re's CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Urban Serafina-Americana Enchantress Lady Nimue CGCA CGCU B Canine Good Citizen Urban Texas Pride Blue Sky Berlin FDC CGCA CGCU TKN B Trick Dog Novice Alpha & Omega 's Nala Catch Me If You Can TKN B Trick Dog Novice Cape Fear's Reap What You Sow CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Downey's Suge CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice MnC's Spirit Of The Forest CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice Pridenjoyz Making A Legacy TKN B Trick Dog Novice Redemptions Take Me To The Top TKA VHMP B Trick Dog Novice Ridge Top Burnin It Down At Thunderbolt CGC TKN B Trick Dog Intermediate Alpha & Omega 's Nala Catch Me If You Can TKI B Trick Dog Intermediate Redemptions Take Me To The Top TKA VHMP B Trick Dog Advanced Chance III TKA D Trick Dog Advanced Redemptions Take Me To The Top TKA VHMP B AKC Temperament Test GCHB CH Garmr's Sweetheart Of The Month FDC CGC TKN ATT VHMA B AKC Temperament Test K9 Guardian's Vixen Breaking The Wake" FDC CGC TKA ATT VHMA" B Virtual Scent Work Beginner Safe Haven's Going Hard In The Paint At Serafina TKN VHMA VSWB FITB D FIT Dog Bronze CH RACH Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest CD PCD BN GN RM3 RAE3 FDC AXP AJP CA BCAT ACT1 TT THDN RATO DMA DSX2 CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITB D Senior Barn Hunt CH Windypine's Wild Coast Zambezi CD BN RAE CA TT RATS CGC B Comments are closed.
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025