DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH Bravado's Cheno D Champion CH Cane Myglory Viktoriya B Champion CH Gael Porolissum Cane Corso D Champion CH Maximo's Going Nuclear CGC TKN VHMA D Champion CH Phoghaven's Promised Genesis Di Overwatch RI RATN CGCA CGCU TKN ATT B Champion CH Red Rock Canyon's Ladybugs In The Field B Champion CH Valente's Stella Fly Me To The Moon B Champion CH Virtue's I'Ll Drink Till You'Re Pretty Too B Champion CH Wrinkled Bliss's Standing Ovation At Windypine D Grand Champion GCH CH Bohemia Shadow Of The Beast D Grand Champion GCH CH Caribbean Warrior Drake Treasure Hunter D Grand Champion GCH CH Phoghaven's Sunshyne Through The Myst RA FDC SWN TT CGCA CGCU TKI ATT B Grand Champion GCH CH Vigilant's Specks Of Dust CGCA TKN VHMA VHMP D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Casios Rendition Of Perfection CGC TKN VHMP B Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Mase CGCA TKN D Beginner Novice Midwest Dabos Leonardo The Lion King BN D Rally Novice Arcane Bosk Destro Sisu Da Ccp RN CGC TKN D Rally Novice Kiai's - Arya Winter Is Coming RN CGC B Rally Novice Midwest Dabos Leonardo The Lion King BN RN D Rally Novice CH Onetime Cane Corso Trofeo RN D Rally Novice Res Ipsa's Shot Through The Heart RN CGCA CGCU TKN B Rally Intermediate Last Frontier's Lt. Aldo The Apache" Raine RI" D Rally Advanced Last Frontier's Lt. Aldo The Apache" Raine RA" D Rally Excellent Vantare Spiritridge The Storm Is Fast Descending CD RE CGCA CGCU TKN ATT B Open Agility Preferred Last Frontier's Valhalla OAP NJP B Master Bronze Agility Preferred CH RACH Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest CD PCD BN GN RM3 RAE3 FDC MXP2 MXPB MJP2 CA BCAT ACT1 TT THDN RATO DMA DSX2 CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITB D Master Excellent Jumper Preferred GCHS CH Hierarchy Ali'I Nui RE FDC MXP MJP OFP CA BCAT DSX4 DJ HDN CGCA TKI D Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 2 CH RACH Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest CD PCD BN GN RM3 RAE3 FDC MXP2 MJP2 CA BCAT ACT1 TT THDN RATO DMA DSX2 CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITB D BCAT HeartsBanes Deja Vu @Extreme BCAT B BCAT Phantom Knight BCAT D BCAT Silverstone N Sarama's Turn The Page BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN ATT B DCAT Bugatti V DCAT B DCAT GCHB CH Castleguard Spiritridge The Dark Side Of Heaven DCAT B Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWM SCME SIME SEME SHDM DJ CGCA TKN B Scent Work Container Advanced Amici Calamittee Cane CD BN GN RE FDC SCA SIN RATN CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA VHMP FITG B Scent Work Interior Advanced Potrero's Nico Gaius SIA SEN D Scent Work Interior Master Elite CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWM SCME SIME SEME SHDM DJ CGCA TKN B Scent Work Buried Master Elite CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWME SHDM DJ CGCA TKN B Scent Work Master Elite CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWME SHDM DJ CGCA TKN B Canine Good Citizen Briggshaus Collector Of Souls CGC TKN B Canine Good Citizen Broly Ssg CGC D Canine Good Citizen Carolina Dreams Gentleman Jack CGC D Canine Good Citizen Difesa Bada Bing Bada Boom CGC D Canine Good Citizen Kimuras Noble Spirit Annia CGC B Canine Good Citizen Kimuras Noble Spirit Marcus CGC D Canine Good Citizen La Potenza's Di Rising C's Rosalind CGC B Canine Good Citizen Legion's Everyone Wants To Be Me CGC D Canine Good Citizen Lucy Goodwin CGC B Canine Good Citizen GCH CH Nuovo Inizi's Obscured By Clouds CGC ATT B Canine Good Citizen Raven Mason CGC B Canine Good Citizen Roman Cccxvi CGC D Canine Good Citizen GCH CH Safe Haven's Release The Kraken CGC TKN VHMP D Canine Good Citizen CH Silverstone's Silver Is The New Gold CGC FITS D Canine Good Citizen Vice CGCA D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Legion's Don'T Tell Me De Lewis CGCA CGCU TKN D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Rockhaven's Smashed Potato CGCA D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Southern Serafina Limoncello CGCA D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Trump Bronson Hammon CGCA TKN D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Vice CGCA D Canine Good Citizen Urban Legion's Don'T Tell Me De Lewis CGCA CGCU TKN D Canine Good Citizen Urban Odisseia's Glory Of Olympus With Difesa FDC CGCU TKN D Canine Good Citizen Urban Res Ipsa's Shot Through The Heart CGCA CGCU TKN B Trick Dog Novice Briggshaus Collector Of Souls CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Italica's Billy Jean Is A Firehorse Lover TKN B Trick Dog Novice Odisseia's Glory Of Olympus With Difesa FDC CGCU TKN D Trick Dog Novice Trump Bronson Hammon CGCA TKN D Trick Dog Novice Valak Dark Nemesis TKN D Virtual Home Manners Adult Silverstone N Sarama's Nothing Else Matters CGCA TKN ATT VHMA VHMP B Virtual Home Manners Adult CH Silverstones's Genesis CGCA CGCU TKN ATT VHMA D FIT Dog Bronze Odisseia's Glory Of Olympus With Difesa FDC CGCU TKN FITB D FIT Dog Bronze Relic's May God Have Mercy On You FDC CA RATS ATT FITB B Comments are closed.
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025