DOG'S NAME SEX Champion CH Apple Valley's Pepper Potts B Champion CH Bodyguard 's Apache D Champion CH Carolina Dreams You Put A Spell On Me Lestat"" D Champion CH Confidential's Going Light Miley B Champion CH Cora Del Corsoclub B Champion CH Corinthian's Titanium D Champion CH Costa Bel Jophiel At Fireside B Champion CH Dal Cielo's Aria Di Mezzanotte B Champion CH Ef Jeremias Gran Bel Cane D Champion CH Italica's Antidote To Ivy League's Poison B Champion CH Italica's Wildcat At Taurone B Champion CH Julieta Marta Mount De Euzkadi B Champion CH Legion's I Did It My Way D Champion CH Main Event's Ain't No Chyna Doll B Champion CH Potrero Mystery Of The Moon B Champion CH Queen City's U.R.N. Trouble CGC D Champion CH Redlands Duke D Champion CH Rockhaven's Solomon's Choice CGC D Champion CH Serafina's Without Fear D Champion CH Southern Grace's Stronghold Of Serafina D Champion CH Spiritridge's In Hot Pursuit B Champion CH Thora B Grand Champion GCH CH About Time's Xotic Secret B Grand Champion GCH CH Alcor's Spice Of Life At Serafina B Grand Champion GCH CH Castleguard A Lion's Heart B Grand Champion GCH CH Liberty's Journey To Dreams B Grand Champion GCH CH Mar E Sol's Sweet Nellie FDC RATN CGCA B Grand Champion GCH CH Northwood's Wrong Side Of Heaven D Grand Champion GCH CH O-Cinder Corso Imperium CGC B Grand Champion GCH CH River Bluff's Dancing In The Street D Grand Champion GCH CH Riverbluff's Darling Nikki Of Arsenal B Grand Champion GCH CH Spiritridge's Take No Prisoners CGC TKN D Grand Champion GCH CH Valore's Cherry Bomb B Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Hierarchy Ali'I Nui RN FDC CA CGCA TKN D Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Liberty's Twist Of Fate At Italica B Grand Champion Bronze GCHB CH Margarita Mount De Euzkadi B Grand Champion Platinum GCHP CH Liberty's Lady Godiva CGCA CGCU B Companion Dog CH Ivy League Black Caviar CD RI CGC D Beginner Novice CH Spiritridge's You Can'T Catch Me At Acme BN RI FDC D Rally Advanced Triple Crown's Beauty In Nevermore RA CGCA B Rally Excellent CH Italica's Wicked In Bed RE FDC CA TT THDN CGCA B Rally Excellent CH Windypine's Wild Coast Zambezi CD BN RE CA TT CGC B Farm Dog Certified GCHS CH Dal Cielo's Brutale Bello RN FDC RATO CGCA TKN D BCAT Black Pearl Java BCAT CGC TKI D Agility Course Test 1 CH Blue Breeze Tougher Than The Rest CD PCD BN RAE FDC CA BCAT ACT1 TT THDN DS DJ CGCA CGCU TKI D BCAT CH Copper Sky's Esoteric Edgar Allan Poe BCAT D BCAT Windypine's Princess Of Helium BN RN BCAT B FCAT2 Crusade's Wild Thing FDC NAP NFP CAX FCAT2 ACT2 SWA SCNE SINE SHDN TT RATO CGC TKN B Scent Work Exterior Novice Legion's Sweet Victory Of Nico CD BN RE FDC SWN DNA CGCA CGCU TKI D Scent Work Novice Legion's Sweet Victory Of Nico CD BN RE FDC SWN DNA CGCA CGCU TKI D Scent Work Container Novice Elite Legion's Sweet Victory Of Nico CD BN RE FDC SWN SCNE SIA DNA CGCA CGCU TKI D Scent Work Interior Advanced Legion's Sweet Victory Of Nico CD BN RE FDC SWN SCNE SIA DNA CGCA CGCU TKI D Scent Work Interior Advanced CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN SIA SBA DJ CGCA TKN B Scent Work Interior Advanced Red Rock Canyon's Lola Belle SWN SCA SIA SEA SHDN CGC B Scent Work Exterior Advanced CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN SIA SEA SBA DJ CGCA TKN B Scent Work Buried Advanced Italica's Tessa Naamah Allura BN RE SWA SIE SHDN CGCA TKN B Scent Work Buried Advanced CH Piper Sweet Star Seven CD BN RE SWN SIA SBA DJ CGCA TKN B Scent Work Advanced Italica's Tessa Naamah Allura BN RE SWA SIE SHDN CGCA TKN B Scent Work Exterior Excellent Italica's Tessa Naamah Allura BN RE SWA SIE SEE SHDN CGCA TKN B Canine Good Citizen Banner Mtn's Heir To The Throne CGC B Canine Good Citizen Banner's Lucky Bug CGC B Canine Good Citizen Darkhorse's Temple Of Doom Kali Ma CGC B Canine Good Citizen Hierarchy Presides Over The Death Of Kings Cassiel CGC D Canine Good Citizen Lucius J. CGC D Canine Good Citizen Northwood's Whiskey Understands CGC D Canine Good Citizen Olivenhain's San Luca Furiadnotte Di Ziva La Brava CGC D Canine Good Citizen Pridenjoyz Pointless CGC D Canine Good Citizen Rockhaven's Luna CGC B Canine Good Citizen Silicon Valley's Protector Of Banner Mountain CGC B Canine Good Citizen Voodoo Moon's Oakley CGC D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Northwood's Whiskey Understands CGCA CGCU D Advanced Canine Good Citizen Pridenjoyz High Stakes CGCA B Advanced Canine Good Citizen Pridenjoyz Triple Play RE FDC BCAT CGCA TKP D Canine Good Citizen Urban Northwood's Whiskey Understands CGCA CGCU D Trick Dog Novice Big Country's Hickory CGC TKN D Trick Dog Novice Italica's Eighth Wonder Of The World CGC TKN B Trick Dog Novice Pridenjoyz High Stakes CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice Serafina's Pucker Up And Kiss Me CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice Serafina's Trix Or Treat CGCA TKN B Trick Dog Novice GCH CH Windypine's Time Is On My Side CGC TKN D Trick Dog Intermediate Serafina's Pucker Up And Kiss Me CGCA TKI B Trick Dog Intermediate Serafina's Trix Or Treat CGCA TKI B Comments are closed.
This is the official blog of the Cane Corso Association of America. The CCAA uses this blog to communicate with its members and the Cane Corso breed community. Archives
February 2025